A year later

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It's been years since sidshek reunion. Sid has started recovering,  he is being responsible and mature but still a kid.  Everyone's favorite. Ashneet are finding those Mafia who killed sidshek parents. Everything is going smoothly. Red Bull said sorry to Siddharth now they don't bully siddharth anymore. Siddharth is being happy for having such good friends in his life. Ashneet are missing from a month no one knows as ashneet told them that they are going for Mafia work and they got kidnapped and their friends still things that they are safe. But all boys are doubting that something is fishy because it's been a month ashneet didn't contact them.  Today all boys are going to meet ashneet secretary. Megah and jiya are doubting boys as all boys are behaving weird.
To be continued

I know this is so so small but it's just a teaser type chapter.

What do you think is ashneet really kidnapped?
Are the both OK?
Will girls will get to know ?
Will boys be able to find ashneet?
For all this questions answers complete the goals
30 comments on each chapter including this one

Next chapter title: Shocked
Hint: something big is going to happen you can guess. Some things realed to Ashneet.😉

See you when I will get 30 comments in AL chapters

I have started new story
My stepmother  do support it
we have seen in many stories and in serials stepmothers are always shown villain but not all stepmother are villain.  This story is about a boy who doesn't know that she is his stepmother. what will the reaction of the boy knowing that she is not his real mother.
peep to know more.

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