Dead 💔

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Let's directly start the chapter sorry was really busy didn't get time to update

All got very shocked no one spoke anything, they were not able to digest what just they heard

Sid: w...w...w..h...h...aa...ttt y..o..u.. neet , y..ou a..r..e

Avn: no Sid it's true I wish I could say that

Dada : avneetyyy take us there please

Vaish: you go get fresh avni

Avu got fresh they all like a bullet left for hospital.. operation was still going all were very tensed and in very bad condition. Sid was sitting like statue he was in worst condition because he in these year he got really close to her she was like his buddy. He was remembering how she got him out of the hell and save him . She was his secret keeper. He used to share everything with her.

The OT door open doctor all stood up with hopes but looking at doctor face they were getting scared

Dada: what happened doctor she fine ne

Doc: I am.......


Doc: I am sorry to say she is no more
We tried our best to save her but she was shoot by 6 bullets and she lost a lot of blood we are sorry for your loss

As soon as everyone heard this they fell in thier knees and started crying Sid was standing like statue full blank . Avneet ran to the room and starting waking her up while crying badly. Not a single tear left from Sid eye he was blank

It was getting difficult for all them to control avni because she was blaming her for her death those bullets were how her not for ash .

They very difficulty controlled avni
Ash body was taken to do last rites .
After the rituals were done . No one spoke anything nor anyone ate anything after reaching home Sid and neet locked themselves in thier room . Avneet took out thier pic album and was crying while looking at the pictures

Other hand sid was staring at wall emotionless like a lifeless body

This day became a worst nightmare for everyone.

Ash journey ended : 15 June xoxo

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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