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Hi all , how are you all ? First of all really very sorry for updating i am very busy with study and personal life so didn't get time to update and to be honest i literally forgot that i write a book name mafia Queen in love 😂 anyways without wasting more time let's start the chapter. It's been year I didn't update 🤣
A bit changed i removed few characters

All boys are going to find ashneet Siddharth was scared for ashneet. But boys were not aware that one shock is waiting for them.

It was mind night all were sleeping boys got ready and was going only when someone rang the bell , boys got alert , abhi quickly opened the door and was shocked to see ............

Avneet in messed up situation her clothes was  covered with blood was crying badly all got scared looking at her situation avu quickly hugged dada and she was shivering baldy

Abhi: avneetyyaa what happened baccha you are scaring us

Sid: kuch bol avu

Avu: v.hoo...a...s...shhh

Abhi: Ash kya avu bol ne

Before she could reply all girls came and were shocked to see avneets conditions

Vai: avneet kya hua baccha

Jan: avu kya hua

Avu: di ...a..s..h

Abhi: avu bol

Avu; she got shot she is in critical situation 😭😭😭

All got very shocked no one spoke anything, they were not able to digest what just they heard

To be continued

Sorry for small chapter will update soon

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