Ashneet are Mafia 😱

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First of all I am really very sorry for not updating the chapter actually I am hell busy with school work . I am having offline school so I was not active here so let's continue and I will try to write chapter .

Let's start

They all reached at farm house ash told everything to everyone about sid all very shocked. Abhi was hurted the most but was confused why ?
Abhi:sid if u don't mind can u tell ur parents name
Sid:sure(said almost crying)
Sid: there name is.............................

Sid: there name is manis..... (And he broke down )
Abhi:it's okay sid when u feel like to tell us .
Sid:hmm dada will u help me to find my brother
Abhi got little emotional listening dada work because when sid was small he also used to call him by this name only.
Abhi: sure i will I am also finding my little brother btw u are like my brother.

( 😂 Sowrrie I know you all though that sidshek got to know that they are real brothers but not so soon)

Ashi: guys first let's get changed and then we will talk
Ran:ya ashi is right ash yaar kuch kane ke leya nahi hai kya I am very hungry
Jan: Randeep tujhe aur jai ko hamsa hi bok lagti hai
Jai:tho hum kya kana chod de
Anu: please don't start ur fight .
Ash:kichu Bhai sab ke leya kana laga do
Sid:ash can I ask u something
Sid:why there is so strict security here ?
Ash:vo actually
Ash:avu u tell
Avu: me why no u tell
Ash: pls
Avu:sid please don't get scared after listening this
Avu:me and ash are Mafia Queens .
Sid: WHAT (shocked and scared )
Sid started crying because he remembered that incident
Avu:sid please don't cry we are not those types of Mafia we work for india
Ash:she is right sid
Sid:but at the end u are Mafia
Avu went to sid and hugged him all were shocked to see avu hugging someone . Both of them got butterflies in their stomach
Avu:it's okay sid , don't worry me and ash are trying to find that gang and ur and abhi dada's brother .
Suddenly ash phone rang
Ash: hello ?
??: Jai hindi ma'am Rocky reporting
Ash:jai hindi Rocky
Rocky: ma'am hume Abhishek Nigam ke bhai ka adult wala pic mila hai aur Siddharth Nigam ke bhai ka bhi
Ash:wow that's great news Rocky . Well done send me the pic
Rocky: already done
Ash: wow impressed . Any other information
Rocky:no ma'am
Ash:ok over and out
Rocky:over and out
As soon as the call end ash started jumping like a kid
Vaishu:ash kya hua why are u jumping like a kid ?
Ash:di news he kuch ase hai
Abhi:tell us also
Ash:na abhi nahi, btw parso apka birthday hai
Sid;one minute parso dada ka bhi birthday hai?
Avu:sid what do u mean by dada ka bhi?
Sid: actually mera bhi use hi din birthday hai
Sushi:are ha I forgot
Sid: seriously di you forgot ur brother birthday 😢
Sushi: sorrie
Everyone: what idea?
Ash:n-nothing 😅
Jan:let's sleep
Faisu:ya we have collage

They all went to sleep 💤😴

Not really 😂

Do you think this couple will sleep 😴


Abhinavi room
Vaishu was sitting in front of mirror applying her cream . Abhi came and back hugged her tightly
Vaishu:abhi leave me
Abhi: no
Vaishu: what do you want ?
Abhi:will I get what I want ?
Abhi: are you sure babygirl (said while coming closer vaishu was not able to move she was stuck between abhi and dressing table)
Vaish: a abhi w wwhat are you doing ?
Abhi: romancing with my girlfriend any problems?
Vaishu:n no
Abhi:why are you suttring love.
Vishu:I am n.....
Suddenly abhi placed his lips on her and she responded back . They were kissing eachother with love .
(A/n: I have never written any kiss sences before this so bare with me 😅)
After 5 minutes they broke the kiss and then..............

Let them enjoy 😉
All couples were busy only sid , ash avu, faint and jaireem where sleeping 😴 peacefully not caring about anything 😂

To be continued...
I know chapter was boring 😅 don't worry sidneet sences and many more are coming .

I know you all were be thinking what happened about photos did ash saw or not that u will get to know in next chapter.

Bye all

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