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With the tickets given by Loke, the team of Fairy Tail wizards entered the Akane Resort, receiving quite the VIP treatment. They all even got their own rooms which were as large as the guild's floorplan.

The Akane Resort was the most popular touristic spot in Fiore at the moment. It was built in the middle of nowhere with only forests at its sides and a mountain behind it. But in front of it was the semicircular bay, the sea going for miles with no apparent end.

That long beach that was right in front of the resort was one of the reasons people enjoyed coming to this place so much. That, and the five-star hotel with a casino in its basement and an amusement park around it. Not only were there all kinds of forms of entertainment, but the longest rollercoaster in Fiore looped all over the area and buildings.

The five humans and one cat barely threw their bags inside their rooms before they went running out to the beach. Well, they also changed first into their swimwear. Even Happy was wearing yellow swim trunks.

After the craziness with Lullaby, Galuna Island, and then Phantom Lord, the mages couldn't wait to have some fun. There wasn't a second during the day when they weren't laughing.

At first, they had been playing inside the warm waters or throwing balls, but once the afternoon came, they grew a bit tired and went to rest under their umbrella.

Gray had no trouble falling asleep and was like a log. So, when the others were ready to keep playing and saw this scene, devilish smirks appeared on their faces.

By the time Gray woke up, he wasn't a man anymore. Sand covered his whole body and he had a pair of breasts with stars at the top and a shell between his feminine legs.

When he found himself in that state, he went nuts and ran away so fast that even Jet with his High Speed magic wouldn't have been able to catch him.

"Ah, he got away!"

"Leave it to me!" Natsu rose from the ground with a huge beam on his face. The evil intentions could just be read from his face. Fire ignited below his feet and on his hands, pushing him forward like a rocket.

The disaster that the two idiots created on their way wasn't small whatsoever. But once Natsu caught him, it was so worth it. At least for him.

Natsu jumped on the running Gray, grabbing his light blue swim trunks and pulling them off. By the time Gray noticed his intentions, it was too late and he fell on the sand, eating a mouthful of it.

Natsu didn't waste any time and waved the trunks around like a victory flag. When the three girls arrived together with Happy, it was this perverted Yaoi that they found.

Gray quickly grabbed Happy with a flushed face, holding the cat as a shield to cover his front. If there weren't so many people around, he would have long gotten into a fight with Natsu to get his clothes back. His embarrassment was kind of surprising though, considering he always gets naked on his own in front of everyone. "Give me back my trunks!!"

"Not on your life!" Natsu didn't even try to escape to hide the trunks. He just waved them in front of Gray to constantly taunt him. Poor Happy was completely forgotten by him.

It was the others who remembered the little cat and thought of his suffering, "Don't use Happy to cover yourself up!!"

Meanwhile, standing behind a palm tree, was a very familiar blue-haired woman in a bikini. Juvia Lockser of the Sea, a former member of Phantom Lord's Element 5, who, after her guild's disbandment, had somehow utterly and completely fallen in love with Gray. "Gray-sama... So bold!"

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