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"That was a great job!"

Sparkles surrounded the extremely happy Natsu, beaming from ear to ear as he strolled through the city of Magnolia with his five teammates.

The six of them had just finished a mission, one of the first official ones of Team Natsu.

"And it looks like the client really appreciated it." the cat flew over their heads.

[Name] sighing in hidden relief, "At least we didn't cause any trouble this time..."

The Ice Mage grinning proudly, "And we finished it up real quick since I was there."

"Huh? And what makes you say that, jerk?" growled the Dragon Slayer.

Gray raising his head, "Just thinking about how you were nothing but extra baggage for this job."

"How about I teach you what kind of extra baggage I am?"

"That made no sense at all."

They head-butted, only for Erza to snap their necks back, "Settle down! And put on some clothes."


Happy covered the man with a glare, "That's not fair! I'm the one who says that!"

"Even with Er-chan here, you guys can't stop fighting at all." the female slayer frowned, sweatdropping at them.

"Anou, I hate to interrupt your conversation, but..." sweat and purple lines covered Lucy as she approached them with Plue in her arms, "I was the one who chose this request on my own, originally... So why did everyone come with me?"

"Well, obviously." beamed Natsu.

"Obviously what?" asked the blonde, the male slayer doing a thumbs-up, "'Cause we're Fairy Tail's strongest team!"


"That's right." smiled Gray gently, Erza humming in agreement and [Name] nodding as she spoke with a grimace, "Mm, even if we only destroy everything everywhere."

Lucy's cheeks were coated a soft pink at their words and she smiled, holding Plue closer to her, "Well, okay..."

Natsu continuing, "Put together me, Happy, [Name], Erza, and underpants-man, and there's no job we can't do!" 

"Don't call me underpants-man."

The armored woman nodding her head, "Un*(Yes), it gives me reassurance."

"Desho, desho!" laughed [Name].


"Forgetting someone?!!" cried out Lucy.

"Haha. We're kidding, sheesh! Don't cry, Oopy." laughed the pinkette, the Celestial Mage not sparing him another look, "I'm not crying, and I'm not named 'Oopy'!"

"Sumanai!" suddenly apologized Titania, "Even I got carried away. And I have ended up hurting my comrade. I cannot allow this to continue... For now, would you please punch me?"

"That's not the punch-line I had in mind..." trailed off Lucy.

"Ma, ma, calm down, Er-chan." sweatdropped the [Hair Color]ette.

Happy stared down at his comrades from the air, the smile on his face vanishing and he looked up with a deep frown, gasping as he heard the whispering and noted the way the people of Magnolia were watching them.

"It's Fairy Tail wizards..."

"I guess they don't know yet."

"The poor things..."

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