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I'm really sorry that this has taken so long. Thank you all for waiting. 

"On the subject of attacking the Tower of Heaven with Etherion: 4 people for, 5 people against. As it stands, we will resolve against using Etherion." said Org after the voting concluded.

Although Siegrain had managed to get Elder Leiji and Elder Belno to vote with him and Ultear, no one gave him the fifth vote he needed to launch Etherion. "Do you people really comprehend the situation we are in?!"

"Don't make a scene, Sieg. You've already had your say. There are still peaceful ways of solving this." Org thought Siegrain was making a mountain out of a molehill and as the Second Chair, he was in charge while the Chairman was not present due to being sick, so all the responsibility laid on him. He had already given Siegrain enough leeway and couldn't continue doing so.

Siegrain scoffed, "Peaceful? While we're wasting time doing this pointless farce, Jellal is resurrecting the dead! Can't you feel it? The overflowing negative magical power. That's the horror of who he is trying to resurrect!"


"Siegrain, what exactly are you...?"

Siegrain's hands balled into fists, his face darkening, "I held back this information on the slight chance that it would leak out and cause panic. But I have no choice."

"What are you talking about?" Leiji was getting tired of all the mystery.

"Tell us everything!" hurried Org.

Siegrain stopped playing around and directly announced the name of the person Jellal wanted to revive, "The Black Wizard Zeref!"


Other than Ultear who already knew about it, all the other members of the Council felt like thunder had struck them. The main purpose of the R-system was to revive Zeref, that was true, but they didn't think that was Jellal's purpose.

The image of Zeref in the minds of most was too terrible. He was a monster in human form who had killed countless people and created spells that were meant to only cause harm and destroy.

The Magic Council already had a handful last time just dealing with the mess left by Lullaby. If Zeref was truly revived, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Drops of sweat rolled down Org's face as he looked directly at Siegrain, "Is that the truth? Sieg!"

"It's the truth. I understand Jellal better than anyone. Because he's my twin brother, after all. We will vote once again." Jellal unilaterally decided that on his own, but this time, no one fought against him.

The fear they possessed for Zeref, someone they had never met and only knew of through historical records, was so ingrained within them that it made them unable to think straight. The only thought in their minds was that they couldn't allow someone like that to return to this world.

There was only one word that came to [Name]'s mind to describe the interior of this tower. It was creepy. There was no other way to put it. Long, dark hallways with eyes looking at you from every direction. This was like the common aesthetic of villains and dark guilds.

Why is it that being the bad guy equaled having creepy tastes? Though, rather than the visible appearance, what really concerned [Name] was the very interior of this tower.

Being on her own, it was easier to concentrate on her surroundings. No matter which area she went to, the strange waves underneath the walls, ceilings, and floors remained the same. If it was just something that got in the way of her sensing, [Name] wouldn't mind so much. But the problem with her sensing was just a side effect and not the main purpose of whatever it was that Jellal used to build this tower.

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