𝐗𝐈. ↳ ❝ 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 ❞

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now playing [【let me know - juice WRLD】]

2:32 ——◦———— -3:50

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↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ

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Scaramouche has changed. FOR THE WORSE.

After you two had your . . first kiss, together . . he started to become way more touchy. And you couldn't really do anything about it, you HAD to gain his trust to successfully get rid of him.

You're big plan would need to first get him to trust you more, and then you'd lure him into a trap where you'd push him into an ocean where he glitches-- and hopefully dies. BUT. There's a problem. You didn't know if he'd die . . you were eager to find out though!

The other problem is . . Scaramouche wasn't stupid. He knew you were planning something. How can he not? You know he killed your best friend and you don't tell anyone about it nor do anything? Yeah . . definitely fishy. But whatever, he won't fall for your bullshit.

He'll just indulge himself in your attention, now that you're trying to gain him to 'trust' you :D Fact check-- he didn't. Yes he was deeply enamored with you . . but he wasn't brainless.

"Scaramouche. Quit it, we're at the library." You hissed, pushing him off as you huffed and collected books. Good thing you were in a hidden part of the library!

Scaramouche frowned and glared at you, but decided to not say anything as he lazily peered his eyes at you collecting books. "Are you really that shit at studying?" He asked, running a hand through his navy blue hair. "THIS. Is why i didn't want you to come." You muttered. Scaramouche kept getting . . handsy with you. And how were you suppose to studying with a . . handsome . . male . . doing . . that . .

Scaramouche scowled at your answer, "maybe i should just burn every book here so you'll only look at me. Hmm . . maybe the people in this library would burn too." He grinned at the thought. Now he was getting jealous over inanimate objects?

In his state of reverie, you chose to ignore his words-- not knowing whether they were true or not.

Gathering more books, you mumbled to yourself about how you had to stay up all night studying . . "what a nerd." Scaramouche sniggered. Causing you to yet again glare at him. "Hmph, I'd like to witness YOU studying this material then." You huffed, throwing a book at his chest-- which he caught.

With no effort.

A sly smile evoked itself onto Scara's face, as he hummed and flipped through the book. "Why don't I help you?" He asked, his indigo eyes now looking back at yours. You raised a brow and sweatdropped at the thought. Scara . . helping you . . learn. Hah!

"No thanks. I just thought if you ever came alive in real life, you'd just be engrossed by a phone or insulting people . . not . . studying or--" "Murdering people?" ". . ."

Scaramouche sighed at your lack of response, before closing the book and dragging you by the hand at an empty table. No one was really at the second floor-- they were all at the first, since that's where . . most, interesting books are. So no one could see you two.

"What are you doing?" You questioned the male suspiciously. "So . . you need to learn about . . this?" He asked, grabbing one of the book in your pile and pointing at it. You nodded. It was a book about set theories.

As he grabbed out your textbook . . and basically threw it in front of you, he told you to listen to what he was saying. And surprise surprise . . he knew exactly what the topic was about, despite only flipping through the book. He didn't even seem interested! His eyes was basically shouting out, 'IM BORED.'

Maybe you should strangle him right now. But! You wanted your revenge to be amazing. He killed Yua . . Yua deserved happiness. You felt quite . . guilty, hanging out with her killer . . but . . it'll all pay off.


A hand suddenly hit you over the head. "Listen, dumbass." Scara grumbled. "I am!" You hastily replied, snapping your head towards him, then at the notes you written. Before realising something . .

due to your thoughts, you accidentally drew a small doodle of scaramouche, with a devil tail and horns.

'Hah, spot the difference between those two, and you'll find nothing.' (y/n) smugly thought, as Scaramouche raised a brow at the girl, before looking at her textbook.

"What's this?" He suddenly grabbed the book, as you yelped and tried to snatch it off of him. "Give it back, idiot!" "Thinnkkking about me in your daydreams? How perverted." "You!-- you don't even know what my daydreams were about!" "Hmm . . so you were?~"

A scarlet hue dusted your cheeks as you rolled your eyes and stood up, planning to take back the books and call it a day. "I'll help you." Scara hummed, taking some of the books in your hands, with a brow raised, you were about to question his intentions, as he rolled his eyes and beat you to it. "I know you'll be stupid enough to not know where any books are." Ah.

Saying nothing else-- but with annoyance evident in your face, you let him help.

As you put books back in a nearby shelf, you feel Scaramouche behind you, as he . . tilted his head slightly and put a book back-- that book being conveniently placed so that he'd have one arm trapping you while he was right behind you. You froze in spot, before carefully turning around. His face was directly in front and near your own.

"And this one . . goes right here." He whispered into your ear, the tone being smug.

" He whispered into your ear, the tone being smug

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DISILLUSIONMENT  幻滅  ༉‧₊˚. ⌗ scaramouche x readerWhere stories live. Discover now