Chapter 4: Live To Die

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I was transferred back in the room I was recently in since they were now starting to trust me. Well not fully but just half.

Me and Mochi were in good terms but the others? Well, Ran was kinda sweet and kind same with Koko. I thought he was like Sanzu but I guess I was wrong. They are different. A whole lot different! And Sanzu, well I just found out he's a drug addict.

Who told me?

Well, Ran did.

Kakucho is nice and Akashi is like my Dad. I guess I'll be close with these guys but Mikey?

Not really.

He just stands there and stares at me! Ominously! He doesn't talk to me either. And I just found out that they're a dangerous gang.

BONTEN. A notorious gang and not to mention they've done a lot of crimes! Like drugs, prostitution, murders, you name it.

What could Dad's connection with them be?! Why of all the people he could ask help for, why here?

“Your life is at stake. Someone is out there to kill you.” Rindo's voice reverberated in my head.

Who could it be. Pulling the sheets close, I curled my body when I felt the hairs on my neck erecting.

Will I die? Who could the person who want to kill me be? Did I anger someone? I don't remember.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't noticed that I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

I was standing on a cliff. The wind blew harshly as if there was a storm coming but there was no rain. The angry waves hits the rock underneath the cliff.

“Where am I?” I asked to myself then I turned to look behind me. I saw a figure from afar, holding a gun, pointing to my direction.

I took a step back. My breathing went ragged. “Wh-Who are you?!” I asked.

They didn't answer, they just pointed their gun at me then when they pulled the trigger.


“AH!” I screamed as I jolted up. Sweats were on my forehead even though it was cold and windy. I swallowed hard. My hands roam my body, searching if I had some wounds or if I was shot. Gladly, I wasn't. I was panting so hard as I clutch a hand on my chest.

“It was just a dream.” I sighed. closing my eyes. My throat was dry and I needed water. I stood from the bed then I walked out of the room.

The hallways stretched endlessly. I gulped then I took a step forward. My bare feet stepping on the cold floor.

Since the mansion was so big, I didn't know where I was going. Where the kitchen was nor where my room was.





Standing on the hallway, I looked side by side, checking if I went on the right way. Maybe not.

If only someone would show up then that would be great.

I continued to walk in the corridor then I cautiously turned to the right. While I was walking I heard footsteps approaching from here.

“Is someone here?” I asked. My voice bouncing on the walls.

No one answered but I continued to walk until I saw someone standing from afar. Relief washed over me. At last! Aren't I lucky?

Well maybe not really. When I took a closer look it was the pink haired weirdo. It looked like he just got out of bed.

“Sanzu-san.” I called as I took one step to him. “I'm kinda lost. Could you show me the way to my room?” I asked.

He didn't replied. He was just staring blankly at the wall then he turned to me.

He must be mad at me for not apologizing. “Earlier. I just want to apologize for breaking your nose.” I added flashing him a rueful smile.

He returned the smile then on his other hand he lifted something up then he lunged at me.

My feet moved on their own accord, dodging to the side with a yelp. When I opened my eyes, A knife was pierced just hairs away from my head.

“AHH!!” I scrambled away from him then I began to run like a maniac.

Sanzu chased after me laughing like a complete maniac. I veered to the left whilst panting praying that my stupid feet won't trip.

Why does it always have to be me?!

I veered to the right then I glanced behind me. He swung his knife at me cutting some of my hair.

Dad said they'd never hurt me?! Yeah right Dad! They're just killing me!

“HAHAH!” His voice bounced on the walls.

Tears began to form in my eyes as I continued to run. I have to find a room to hide!

I looked left and right then I found a door that was different than any other doors. Since it was close to me I barged inside then I immediately pushed the door close.

I panted and panted, catching my breath. He was starting to pound on the door but I pushed it with force.

When he stopped pounding on the door. I turned away from the door then I leaned against it.

“What are you doing inside my room?” I turned to look at where the voice came from and then I saw Rindo standing with no top. I could see his chiseled abs and his tattoo's that was on the other half of his chest down to his waist.

“Hey, I'm asking you.” He impatiently said. I was about to reply that his stupid drug addict friend was trying to kill me but then a loud stab was heard beside my head. When I turned to the left I saw the knife.

“AHH!!” I scrambled away from the door. I could hear Rindo muttering curses then he pulled me up to go behind him.

He put his top on about to walk towards the door when I caught his arm.

“Don't!” I pleaded. He glanced at me then at the door when suddenly the door broke open revealing Sanzu standing with his red eyes.

He ran towards our direction about to lunge at me when Rindo caught the knife in his hand.

Blood trickled down his hand to his forearm.

“R-Rindo-san.” I gasped. Rindo pulled the knife out of Sanzu's hand before knocking Sanzu right in the head.

“I'm gonna kill you Sanzu.” He said through his gritted teeth.


Author's Note;

I just updated I know. But I'm just so excited to publish this chapter so here you guys go! I hope you enjoy it. Anyways take care always guys!

Oh! And if there are any errors please! Inform me! Okay that's all byeee! See you on the next update!

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