Wanda's POV

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I was sitting on the couch, reading a book, when Vision appeared in front of me.

"Hi Viz," I said, without looking up. "This book is really good, it's about..." I trailed off as I saw his face.

It was grave and he was looking at the floor.

My heart dropped.

"Vision, what's wrong."

He struggled to meet my eyes as he replied,

"You might want to turn on the TV."

I grabbed the remote, and the screen flickered to life.

"We are live from Vienna, where there has been an explosion at the UN Summit. They were gathered here to discuss the signing of the Sokovia accords. We have been told that there have been fatalities, however we have no ID's on any of the casualties as of yet. Please stay tuned..."

I turned slowly to Vision.

"Tell me you've heard from Nat."

He looked down.

"Vision. Tell me. That you've heard. From Nat."

He shook his head.

I turned away, the sound of the television fading as my heart began to thunder.

Natasha was there because of me. If Nigeria hadn't gone south, these stupid accords wouldn't exist. She wouldn't have to be there. This was my fault. And now Natasha could be-

I could feel red energy moving around my fingertips.

I pushed the destructive voice away, and said quietly to Vision,

"Let me know if there are any updates. Please."

He nodded as I walked out.


No answer. It had been an hour since I saw the announcement on the news, and I hadn't stopped calling Nat since. I was pacing around my room, leaving messages every other time I phoned her.

I was getting more and more anxious, and it was getting harder and harder to control the red energy which kept making an appearance around my fingertips whenever I hung up.

Vision was sitting on my bed, offering a calming presence.

I finally put my phone down, and sat next to Vision.

He tentatively put an arm around my shoulders, and I leaned into him slightly. I could feel my eyes start to fill with tears, and made to pull away, but Vision held me tighter, and I turned my face into his shoulder.

We sat in silence, listening to the rain pelting against the window.

My phone rang.

I jumped up and answered it straight away.


"Hey, Maximoff."

I clapped my hand over my mouth at the sound of her voice. She sounded tired and hoarse, but it was her.

"Are you hurt? Are you-"

"I'm fine, Wanda. A little shaken up. Why, were you worried?"

"You bitch. YOU BITCH."

My laughing turned to hysterical sobbing as I managed to say,

"Tell me whats happening."

I could hear her sigh on the other side of the phone, and my heart dropped slightly.

"The explosion was- well, it's hard to explain over the phone. It's gonna need a lot of cleanup. And this is personal to Steve. I'm gonna need to be here to help with everything."

I wiped my eyes, and cleared my throat.

"Okay. I understand."

"I'm coming back to get some supplies tonight, but I'll be heading out pretty soon after."

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Are you okay though, Wanda? Is Vision with you?"

I frowned at the concerned tone to her voice.

"Yes, he's here. Why?"

"I'm just making sure that you're okay. Can you pass me on to Vision please?"

I reluctantly handed the phone to Vision.

"Agent Romanoff. Please to hear that you're okay."

He walked to the other side of the room with the phone to his ear.

I couldn't hear what she was saying to him, but he replied with the occasional,

"Yes. Good. I am."

I had no idea why she needed to talk to Vision alone. And since I couldn't hear her, I reached my powers carefully into Vision's mind.

I had learned to do it without people noticing. I barely did it, because it was such an invasion of privacy. But I wanted to know what was going on.

"And you're staying with Wanda. Good. Have there been any incidents?"

Incidents? What the hell was she talking about?

Vision replied with,

"No. No there haven't."

"Good. And you're keeping her safe?"

I shook my head incredulously and withdrew my power. How fucking patronising. I knew that she wanted to keep me safe. I felt the same way about her. But the fact that she had assigned Vision to babysit me?!

I walked out of the room without saying anything.

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