Hey... / Sam X Penny

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(Been doing a lot of ship content which is the stuff i am most comfortable with. I am attempting to do requests which are other things but i am getting writers block so willl take a while to get them out. I will continue doing ship and freindship type ones to keep regular content going. Will cap this at 20 chapters then release as a book. If i decide to go back then i will start a new book. Heres a little Sam and Penny ship/friendship.)

Sam sat awkwardly in a small child sized chair as he greeted the fine young woman who had been teaching his younger brother for the past year.

"Sam, Vincent's older brother." He Smiled putting his hand out to shake.

"Pleasure." She smiled back shaking his hand. "Penny."

He stared for a little longer than he should of. Due to only seeing her passing he had never taken notice of any of her features in detail. The dainty little red head with emerald green eyes just a few centimetres away looked stunning. She was the prettiest girl in the world. Why wouldn't people want someone as perfect as her? He felt giddy. Extremely giddy. He had seen her often. Mainly when he'd leave his house he would spot her reading underneath a tree alone. She seemed to like being alone. It made her more calm rather than when she is trying to control insane little kids like Vincent. He often daydreamed of approaching her with the most magnificent bouquet of flowers known to mankind although he'd never be brave enough to do so. Most of the time it was just looking from afar constantly worrying that he was being a creep or doing something wrong.

"Sam? Sam!" She repeated whilst trying to bring his attention back to reality.

"Sorry. Was thinking." He sighs.

"I have brought you in here, well your mother who cannot attend, to discuss home life."

"Home life?" He repeats again.

"Vincent has been saying some things about his home life which has flagged up my concerns of his wellbeing. He has been mentioning the absence of his father quite a bit."

"He doesn't know much. Just that it makes mum and i upset." He mumbled remembering.

Sam brushed back his soft golden hair back. He felt awkward and alone. He has never really had to talk about his home life. He'd always keep it to himself as Sebastian and Abigail complain about Pierre and Demetrius. Now he has found himself confessing one of his biggest flaws to this delightful girl.

She noticed this and smiled. "You don't have to feel like you can't talk to people about it. Your not expected to take on the father roll in the household because Kent isn't around." She interrupted

"Thanks- well thank- thank you for understanding." He stammered as he got up to leave. "Sorry for you having to bring me in like this."

Sad to see the blonde giant leave so quickly she made a grab for his arm causing him to glance back in shock

"I was wondering if you'd like to get a drink at the saloon sometime." She blurts out.

"You a drinker?" He laughs.

She feels herself go bright red. Redder than she has ever before.

"I'm just messing with you. Come on."

(I know this isn't my best, I attempted to write it in school which i now know not to do 😂, 577 words)

STARDEW VALLEY ONE SHOTS/ MAKE REQUESTS / (6/20) Where stories live. Discover now