Character Introduce

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  The quiet person

Age: 23                             Gender: Female

Is a person who does not get angry easily, is also quite introverted, does not talk often and does not show emotions. Also for that reason, she do not get along very well. If she knew then what happened to her friends, she would probably talk with them more...


  The group's clown

Age: 22                               Gender: Female

 Her personality is quite childish, innocent and carefree. Make a bunch of jokes no matter how bad the situation is. She don't care about the consequences of what she's about to do, so Aurelia often get into troubles. She often shows her feelings. Is also a huge extrovert.


  The nerd 

Age: 23                                  Gender: Male

  Regularly read books and play video games. Very easy to tease. Getting angry easily. No one understand why he have friends. But that's fine, he feels more comfortable around people he trusts, relatives and teammates.


  The big bro

Age: 24                                   Gender: Male

  Beckett is truly considered the eldest brother of the group. He is very concerned about everyone around him, but in a very tsundere-ish(*) way. Always solve 80% of his friends' work (lol poor guy). Quite clumsy sometimes.

(*)Tsundere: Is a character that depicts another character with a personality which is initially cold/ stern/ stoic/ harsh/ temperamental/ hotheaded before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time.

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