chapter 4 - Rehearsals

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a/n - ok hello readers. basically the past three chapters were introductory ones, like prolougues, thats why alot happened quite quickly. if any of you have ideas on what the character Mollie would look like, do tell me.

Incase your wondering I pictured Kitty/Katie (Best friend) as like Zooey Daschunel, dont know how to spell that soz.

I was thinking for Mollie someone like Zoella,Zoe Sugg as she is S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G. Anyway, as always VOTE COMMENT AND FAN.

Love Choo.

B xxx


I sat down on the studio floor, my legs numb with exhaustion. Anyone who says dance is not a sport is lying. My long brown hair stuck to my sweaty forehead, and i brushed it away, my breathing heavy.

We'd been rehearsing for five hours already this morning and we had five more hours left. It had been around two months since we'd found out about the fact we were dancing for One Direction, and since then myt mind had been crazy with my thoughts of what could happen.

I was panicking about Harrys reaction, would he feel bad? upset? or just not remeber me....

I knocked myself out of my thoughts and turned my attention to Kitty who was walking over to me.

(Girls dance outfits:

'you Molly dreamer' she said flashing a wink. I took in what she was wearing, she had some bright yellow vans on, with batman leggings, she then had a black top with the words 'Wild Child' printed on in white. Kitty could pull of the quirkiest outfits, and still look stunning.

'Hey KitKat' i said, as i held out my hand, indicating for her to pull me up. She reached down and yanked me up, and i fell into her, knocking her backwards. awks.

We both started laughing uncontrollably, bothe bending over with stitches.

You know that feeling when your laughing so much you think you might burst, and you have to lie on the floor? Well thats what Kitty and I were experiencing. Right now.

I rolled onto my back, still shaking with laughter.

*Harrys POV*

'Ok boys, we're here' Paul said, as our black van drove upto a glass building. I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed out of the sliding door.

I felt a tap on my bum, and turned to see a grinning Niall, I glared at him and slapped him on the chest.

'Hurry up Harry' he said, and i began to walk away from the car.

'Paul where we going?' I heard Louis ask, and im guessing Paul replied and told him as louis began to run into the building.

I grabbed my phone out, pausing to look at my wallpaper, it was an old picture, my mu sent it to me the other week. it was a photo of me and my best friend when I was younger. we were sat opposite each other smiling, our pinkies linked......I promised her I was her best friend forever

I shook out of my thoughts, and walked into the building. I could a lady hear the low hum of music being played, we were at the Royal Dance Academy, where we were going to rehearse with our back up dancers for the first time.

I followed the boys who were being led towards the music by a young woman with long blonde hair, she was wearing a tight long bodycon ad a blazer.... I sped up, catching up with Niall.

'Niall' I whispered, tapping him on the shoulder.

'Yeah' he replied, turning his head to face me.

'That girls hot...what's her name?' I asked, keeping my eyes on the woman, who was leading us down

'Harry seriously.' Niall replied, turning to face me. 'you have a girlfriend, Candice. Remeber?' he said, and I groaned.

I had been 'going out' with this girl Candice for about five months now. I didn't like her one bit.

All the boys thought I did, the only reason I was going out with her was because management told me I needed a girlfriend, a respectable one, so people don't think I'm a player or a man whore.

I carried on walking down the hallway following the boys. We finally stopped outside a dance studio where the music to Kiss You was blaring.

'Here you go' the hot woman said, before walking past us, I flashed her a wink as she brushed past me, and she smirked, her bright red lipstick forming a smile.

I turned my attention back to the boys who were all entering the room.

I took in the studio that was about to become my 'home' for the next few months while we rehearsed. It was large with mirrors around all the edges, with a pillar in the left hand corner.

I then noticed the two girls who were lying on the floor laughing. One of them was lying on her back, her batman leggings in the air. The other girl was laughing with a tinkling giggle, and she two was flinging her legs in the air,showing if tanned skinny legs.

I looked away,feeling as though it was wrong to stare at a girls legs when she didn't know.

I heard a gasp, and turned back to face the girls who were now stood up straight.

I too gasped, as I realised who the girl was.

It was my best friend, Mollie.

she looked different, which was too be expected as I hadn't seen her in about three years.

She used to have curly blonde hair that reached her shoulders, it had now been grown out, and dyed brown, with pink ends. Her face was skinnier, where she used to have chubby cheeks she now had defined cheek bones. Her eyes were the same, the same dark brown.

I noticed the boys were introducing themselves to everyone including the other three dancers.

I walked over, turning my gaze into subtle glances at Mollie.

'Hi Im Harry' I said to three girls, all who were quite plain looking, one had blonde hair tied up in a pony, the other had brown straight hair, and the other a brown pixie hair cut.

they all smiled at me before going back to practice their dance routine.

by now Mollie and her friend had walked over, and I began to introduce myself.

'hi I'm Harry' I said, glancing between the two girls.

'Kitty' the girl with batman leggings said, smiling a toothy grin.

'Mollie' Mollie said, looking at the floor. She remembered me alright, she looked different but still recognisable for someone who's known her there whole life.

'Lovely to meet you Mollie and Kitty' I said, smiling at them both, I turned to face Mollie again, her brown orbs (Hahaa) deep, I looked away from her, as I began to get stuck in her trance.

'Right, lets do Rock Me first' I heard a loud voice scream, and I turned to face a very skinny young women, I'm guessing she was the dance teacher.

I ran over to the boys, who were stood in a line in the middle of the studio.

I took my place at the end, opposite end to Louis, with Niall in the middle and Zayn and Liam next to him.

'5,6,7,8' the women screamed again, and i began to sing.

'Do you remember summer '09, wanna go back there every night, just can't lie was. best time of my life'

The girls began to dance onto the centre if the studio, using flowing moves.

Straight away I was captivated by Mollies movement, she was dancing with passion, as though she had too dance.

I watched her as she suddenly stopped dancing and turned to face me.

I looked around to see everyone was looking at me.

'Haz, you missed your line' Lou whispered across the studio, I felt my cheeks form a dark blush of red.

Shed already got me flustered.....geez.

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