Chapter Three: Salvatore Valentino

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Chapter Three: Salvatore Valentino

Clayton’s P.O.V.

It was becoming difficult to stifle my laughter. About three feet ahead, our oldest brother, Danny, stood in complete fear of the footsteps coming down the main stairwell. My head shook before my eyes followed his cold gaze. The steps stopped outside the door that lay at the top, we heard the handle turn and the feet continue as they rested on each step. After a few, a very disturbed looking man rounded the corner, eyes ablaze.

I nodded once in greeting our father, Danny did the same which caused him to stop short. “I take it my dearest Calisto is home?” He all but sneered.

It was strange to me, how much our father hated our sister, because frankly she was one of the best in the business.

Ever since his goons picked her up in southern Texas, she became emotionally disinterested in everything. She didn’t try to spark a relationship with anyone, never wanted to be a part of family bonding time, the closest she was to a person was Jake, her right-hand man. Not that it was a bad thing, but at least the rest of us were willing to openly feel. Cali seemed to show just enough emotion to satisfy whoever before her wall was up and her expression was cold.

Actually, Cali and Salvatore were quite alike. When our sister had her wall up, she could not be stopped. She was considered stubborn, clever, wicked and sometimes even vile, especially to enemies. After feeling the pain she had over the years, she knew how to make people suffer. But, lucky for us and the rest of the mob, that was really only when you got on her bad side.

Her good side, however, consisted of our mother’s warming traits. She was kind, gentle, respectful and rather motherly when it came to helping people.

I suspected the reason our dad seemed so terrible towards her was because of the pain he felt after Eliza left. He may be a cruel man, possibly the most heartless being on the planet, but he loved our mom all the same. And when she left, started her own life away from us all with that Miguel, he was broken. Ever since then, Sal was a man you just should never mess with.

“Dad, call her Cali. You know she doesn’t like her full name,” Danny mumbled. Sal’s eyes flashed to his eldest, widening before narrowing on the brawn of his operations. “Daniel, I will call my children whatever I please,” he growled.

“Yeah, sure, except for your ‘daughter,’” a voice spoke from behind me.

All at once our eyes averted to the doorway leading to the kitchen, where the second oldest, Mikey, came strolling through. Sal was all but shaking with anger, “Where do you get off talking to me like that, Michael?” He demanded before starting down the stairs again and advancing on my brother.

My eyes locked with Danny’s, both of us knew to be ready in case Sal decided to strike. But he didn’t, just walked right up to Mikey and glared into his eyes. “Dad, you lost our sister a long time ago when you murdered our mother right in front of her.” Mikey spat out.

Being older brothers to a sister as great as Cali meant you would be protective and defensive. Sure, I would have loved to say those words to Sal myself, as I’m sure Danny would have too. But Mikey would suffer severe consequences either way.

Salvatore Valentino was a terrifying man. All three of us boys were much bigger and stronger than him, but Sal would always have the power. People literally put their lives on the line to protect the boss who stood before us. For his children, it was just an order to do so.

His eyes were the glimmering silver all the men in the house shared, but his reminded me more of steel with their constant cold state. His hair was darker than the rest of us, probably since he used gel in it daily. Everything about him screamed your typical, movie-style Italian mob leader, except for the fact that he wasn’t short and plump.

“Michael, I am going to pretend this little outburst never happened as long as you bring her to my office immediately,” our father threatened. An arrogant smirk flashed across my brother’s face, “She’s asleep in her room, probably dreaming about her happy life away from us.” His words were bitter; he had hated Sal as a father figure since the day Cali returned. However, he was still our boss, and once a mob member, always a mob member.

Sal’s face was going purple with his suppressed anger, he was about to snap. Just before the crack, Danny shoved his younger brother aside and received a hard blow to his nose. Sal’s eyes widened, “Daniel! What are you doing?! Your brother was wrong, he should be punished!”

Danny merely shook his head while attempting to slow the bleeding coming from his nose. Mikey sat still on the floor, watching the two men as was I. "Sal, the fighting needs to stop, its bullshit! Cali is home, yes she is still pissed at you, but I agree with Mikey that she has a right to be.”

Danny was always the voice of wisdom.

As if a cold bucket of water were dumped on him, Sal’s anger disappeared and was replaced by disappointment. Should have known, he hated when his sons stood up to him and really didn’t care what they said, he was upset it even happened.

Without another word, he turned on his heel and stomped towards his office at the end of the east hall. With a slam of the door, the three of us breathed out a sigh of relief.

Mikey stood up, brushing off his pants before shaking hands with our brother, “Thanks, D.” Danny smirked and nodded before turning his own way to see the doctor to fix his nose. Mikey sighed loudly, took one last look at me, nodded, and left to attend to whatever he was earlier preoccupied with leaving me standing alone in the entry.

It was late, real late, probably two a.m. The whole house was pretty much silent due to mob members sleeping while they had the chance.

Now, Sal was pissed off.

This means extra work tomorrow.



By eight a.m. the next morning, Sal had everyone booking it out of the house.

As suspected, he wanted double-time done today, every club, bar, casino and hotel we possessed hit up in one day. As usual, the four of us were sent to do such a thing.

“Alright, so there are eleven casinos, fifteen bars, eighteen total clubs and four hotels we need to hit up.” Mikey explained. Danny nodded, “So that’s, what, forty-eight total?” He calculated, receiving a confirming nod from Mikey.

Cali smirked at our brothers, probably realizing just how much she missed us all those years.

All around us, our separate gangs gathered up necessary materials for today’s shake-down. Four black escalades surrounded us on the driveway, each one with completely tinted and bullet proof glass being loaded with its own weapons, technology and other essentials.

Cali, as usual, would be going with Cody at the wheel, Hunter passenger, and Jake beside her in the back. I would be with my boys, Don at the wheel, Louis riding passenger and Frankie right there with me. Danny and Mikey had their own three boys as well, Greg, Trevor and Adam with Danny and Joey, Ryan and Lucas with Mikey.

Originally, Mikey had two other guys by the names of Kyle and Nathaniel, but after he found out they were a part of our mother’s murder, he called up Cali and enjoyed ripping them to shreds together.

Yeah, it’s the mob business, you need to watch out for whom you follow, and whom you betray.

“Here you go, I separated them up by location with Danny being the furthest away, followed by me, then Cali and finally Clayton.” Mikey distributed the lists among us. Mine consisted of one hotel, three casinos, three bars and five clubs, including Lenny’s. The idea made me laugh a little, he’s going to be pissed I’m already back.

“Call if anyone needs back-up, otherwise we will rendezvous at dad’s club in three hours’ time.” Danny said with a nod of acknowledgement, “Good luck.”

And with that, we were off.

I watched my sister stroll over to her car and jump in, Jake following behind her and slamming the door seconds before Cody sped off. I took a deep breath, knowing full-well that Mikey put her between us so we could keep a careful eye on her.

I turned back to my group, “Alright boys, you heard him. First stop, Lenny’s,” I said with an evil grin. Frankie chuckled; the mob life can be so much fun.

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