Chapter Five: The Spino's

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Chapter Five: The Spino’s

Cyrus’ P.O.V.

What a vulgar little girl, shooting Dmitri like that. He would never actually hurt anyone that Eliza cared about, and Calisto should’ve known better than to shoot him.

All the men stood statuesque as she sauntered by, her little minions falling into step behind her out the door. Once they shut, I remained by my brothers as our men jumped to Dmitri’s aid, and the Valentino’s to Sal’s. “Cyrus, my son,” I heard my father gasp from the floor. Dmitri was losing a lot of blood, but luckily she shot in such a way that wasn’t going to permanently damage my father forever. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was merely for the scare factor.

“Cyrus, you need to talk to Daniel for me,” my father commanded weakly. He was going to pass out soon, it was evident. I nodded once before signaling the men to remove my father from the environment. My youngest brother, Damien, followed them outside leaving only me, my brother, Tyrone, and our best friends, Orion and Homer.

Across the room, Valentino’s boys were removing him out the back door, leaving only Daniel, and his brothers, Clayton and Michael. The eldests bright silver eyes flickered to mine, beginning with anger and finally settling on understanding. My stance relaxed ever so slightly, I knew this wouldn’t be a brutal argument between us. Daniel motioned to a table that remained intact, my brother and I took the seats reluctantly across from him and Michael. Clayton remained standing behind them, his arms crossed and eyes never leaving Orion and Homer behind us.

“So, what is it Dmitri wants?” Danny asked calmly. It was an unsettling feeling he gave me, remaining clam when we had one more man than them.

He seemed to notice the discomfort and mistrust, for an amused smile spread across his face. “My name is Daniel, and these are my brothers, Michael and Clayton. But, please, call us Danny, Mikey, and Clay.” He explained, reaching to shake my hand. I returned the gesture, “We know, our father had us understand who you were before we arrived so none of you got shot.” His eyebrows furrowed at my explanation. “Dmitri is mine, and Tyrone’s, father. These are our men, Orion and Homer.” I returned explanation. The three Valentino’s nodded to each man as they were introduced before returning their attention to me.

Danny cleared his throat, “What does your father want with us then?” He questioned me again. I sighed, my gaze locking only briefly with Tyrone’s before connecting with the eldest Valentino again. “You see, when our father found out about what happened to Eliza, he did truly want to come here and kill Salvatore. He was convinced such a vile man should not deserve to live. But, after our doctors confirmed that Eliza was in fact the woman and the man, Miguel, was her boyfriend, he began to question where this daughter was. He was under the assumption that she was a half-sister of yours, but he then found out that it was in fact Calisto whom had survived. Which explained why the one man had a snapped neck rather than a bullet wound.”

A smile flitted across each brother’s mouth; they felt pride in their sister for being so fearless. I’ll admit, as ignorant as she had acted mere minutes ago, she was a gutsy one. Not once did she show any sort of fear of the strange men who had invaded her father’s club.

“Our father doesn’t want to hurt any of you, in fact he wants to be a part of your lives. He was hoping that our gangs could work together and eventually control most of the world.” I finished.

It was true, Dmitri had this plot that, if he could get the gangs to work together, we would have behind the scenes control all over the world. It wasn’t a bad plan, especially when you consider where each of the mobs reigned, but I knew no empire like this would give up control that easy.

Danny seemed to agree with my thought, “I doubt it.” He snorted.

“Look, Cyrus, you seem like a decent guy considering how you came in here guns blazing and aiming to kill, but there is no way in hell one, Sal would give into a man that threatened to kill him, and two, that we would join a rival mob when we could have all this control to ourselves.”

Oh, the arrogance of this family.

I nodded my understanding anyway, “Of course, Danny, it was just a thought.” He nodded and leaned back into his chair, seemingly satisfied by the conversation we had just had. Next to me, Tyrone began to speak, “Our father had another proposition, though.” He stated. Mikey’s eyebrows rose, “Oh, really? Because the first idea was so great,” he scoffed.

Tyrone stiffened, taking in a deep, calming breath before continuing, “Yes, he is offering to remove Calisto from this environment.”

Sure, way to cause hell, little brother.

At once, all three brothers were on their feet in fury. Danny’s hands slammed onto the table in front of us, but I refused to flinch. “He what?! That is our baby sister you are talking about!”

Tyrone stared dead into Danny’s eyes, not a flicker of intimidation was shown between the two men. “Dmitri thinks it would be best for Calisto to be removed from the current mob environment she lives in. It’s for her own safety,” my brother continued. Mikey moved in closer to him, “And what, daddy doesn’t think we can protect our sister? Or, better yet, that she can’t keep herself safe?”

The boys were starting to react on emotion, exactly where we wanted them. Truth be told, neither Tyrone nor myself had any intentions of letting the boys make any decisions for themselves today or for their precious little sister. In fact, my son and his goons were following her as we speak; ready to take her away with one phone call.

My eyes remained locked to Daniel’s when I felt the time was right. Faking a sneeze, I lifted my left arm therefore signaling Orion. His simple and delayed ‘bless you’ informed me it was all set to go indeed.

“Tyrone,” I started, breaking eye-contact with the boy opposite of me. “Father can talk to them himself if this is what’s to be done, we should leave.”

Clayton snorted, “Scared now, Spino?”

He was challenging me.

Don’t take the bait I told myself, we needed to go.

I smiled lightly and shook my head, “No, sir, I just believe that father should do his own dirty work for once.” The explanation was lame, but the boys seemed to settle a little in understanding. I could tell Sal was one terrible father, just with one look at the way the kids were positioned in the club away from him. Whenever we were all at our club in Russia, the whole family was seen together, laughing, drinking, have a great time.

This was actually quite the sad sight.

Tyrone broke his stare with Mikey, turning to follow the boys and me out the front doors. “We’ll keep in touch, Valentino’s,” I hollered back over my shoulder before the doors closed completely.

We walked in silence towards the car; Orion opened the door to the back allowing Tyrone and me inside before slamming it shut and crawling into the passenger seat next to Homer. The car revved and was soon tearing down the Vegas strip towards California.

I pulled the small cell phone from my pocket and flipped it open, holding the speed dial that connected me directly to my son. It rang a few times before stopping, “Yes?” His voice asked calmly.

“You know the qualifications; don’t hurt her or her boys. Now grab her.”

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