chapter 14

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I don't know if I made the right choice. I admit I did some mistakes that I should've never done. Especially to one of my best friends.

It was the hardest thing ever to do and clearly, it broke my heart. I was only forcing myself to avoid Leon so I could focus on my relationship with Auston.

This was new. I like him so much that he was just an interesting, loving guy and my feelings for him came across to us. He had the same to start our relationship together and we're happy.

But pushing Leon to the side wasn't just right. I was stupid and clearly wasn't thinking. Now, he's ignoring me. And I deserve it-I was the one to tell him to.

"Alright, babe, I gotta go to practice," Auston distracted my thoughts. "Bye, baby." He smiled and I waved at the screen just a bit so he could see me in.

We finally said our goodbyes and he hanged up our FaceTime call right before Mitch send me a bunch of weird 'I miss you' gifs at six AM, blowing up my phone with notifications I hated to see.

He was such a natural silly goof the fact that he woke me up with stupid texts and the time difference between Toronto and Edmonton was just so exhausting.

When I would chat with Auston and he'd get off the game at nearly ten PM by the second, it'd be seven PM and it sucks for me because that's when Connor and Leon start playing hockey on TV.

And when it's finished, I'd get free time and Auston would be sleeping at midnight, even though it depends on what we regularly do at night or during the day.

Though I only got six hours of sleep, I had to wake myself up with three cups of tea and coffee in the morning and afternoon. It wasn't probably the best idea, but it was at least good for my messy disorganized sleeping schedule.

I nearly spent the other day the whole night overthinking about Leon and I and our now fucked-up friendship. I clearly didn't want our friendship to be like this one and knew something was wrong ever since Auston and I got together.

What am I doing wrong? Is what I think about every single damn day, every second by day.

Fuck it, I told myself. Opening up my phone, I quickly paused myself as I didn't have a clue to what I should text to Leon, I was stuck. But I typed down the last thing in my head, 'can we meet up?'

Within a second, with no zero hesitation, a zing and a vibrate sent through my phone. I looked over to see Leon replying with 'sure'.

A loud sigh escaped from my mouth as I stood up and clicked on Wayne's phone number on contacts. A few rings and he finally picked up. Wayne Simmonds is a close friend of mine when he married my middle school teacher's daughter.

Her daughter and I were very close friends for a few months in 2018 after her mother then introduced us to each other. We quickly hit it off but then after she got with Wayne, she moved on and found her happiness.

"Hey, Dia. What's up?" He asked.

I quietly exhaled. "Hey, are you alone? I wanna talk." Biting the skin of my bottom lip, I was a bit nervous if Auston had known that one of his mates was talking to me.

"Yeah, I'm alone... Are you alright?" Concern took over the tone of his voice as he was worried. I trusted him with everything with a part of myself, he also became family to me.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just stuck with Leon, I guess... I told him if we could meet up and he said sure. What do I even do? Am I even ready for this? Like I don't even know why I'm so nervous. He's my best friend!" I rumbled loudly.

"Ok, Dia. Calm down. Something happened. And telling him that you wanna talk is good! Don't you want Leon back?" Wayne asked. "Look, Claudia, avoiding him isn't a good idea. I promise everything will be better if you could just tell Auston and he'll completely understand. I'm sure he will."

I hummed in response. "You don't sound so confident about that." And frowned curiously. Something was off with the tone of his voice. He sounded so nervous like he was shaking his leg furiously.

"What?" He quickly replied.

"Did I miss something here? You're not telling me anything." I pointed out and tried to talk him out of it.

"I can't tell you over the call, Claudia. I'm sorry." What the fuck, I thought. "And even if I did, he'll kill me," Wayne said.

"Who?" I quickly asked, out of curiosity.

Wayne exhaled loudly, knowing there was no way back. "Auston."

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