chapter 25

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"Ok, um, where do I start?" I chuckled under my breath. "Look, clearly, you and I have to talk about some things." I paused.

Leon looked at me deeply into my eyes as he nodded his head, following along with me.

I've invited him into my place a few hours ago so we could have a conversation. We would have a long one, including our friendship and where we are together and individually, that kiss that occurred three days ago.

It was a lot to handle and either way, Leon and I were going to have a talk about this. We didn't want to push ourselves away from each other ever again. We did it the last time and we kissed after.

"About the kiss?" I nodded my head. Of course, he knew. Why wouldn't he? That was the first time we've ever kissed. "I understand, Claudia, what you're about to say. I know that we can't do that anymore as it's going to—"

I instantly stopped him. "No, no! I wasn't going to say that. Of course not, Leon. It meant something to me and I don't know if you feel it or not..." I trailed off, swallowing harshly.

"I have feelings for you, Lia. Ever since we met—eight years ago. You're the love of my life, I wanna spend everything together—not as best friends, but as people who love each other dearly," Leon smiled at me.

I swore my heart melted at his sweet words. My eyes had softened as I reached in and tightly hugged Leon. He wrapped his arms around my waist as if he held me secure.

My cheeks were starting to hurt from the amount of smiling. I had to lower the grin but I couldn't. Leon makes me so happy and hearing that he had admitted his feelings for me, made my soul happier than ever.

I slowly pulled apart from Leon's arms, eye contact as we stood close to each other. I looked at him in awe, closing my eyes as I reached in and kissed him.

It was slow and gentle. As we were getting comfortable making out, it was urgent, passionate, and way different than our first kiss.

Leon had cupped my cheek while his other arm was wrapped around my waist, his bare hand laying on my left lower hip.

"I love you, Lia." He mumbled against my lips, and couldn't resist himself grinning. I giggled as our mouths were pulled away and we were laughing like we were teenagers all over again.

Exhaling loudly, I placed my hand on Leon's hand and gently rubbed it. "I love you, Leon," I whispered. He returned a huge smile that I'll always love.


It was a few hours ago as Leon and I confessed our feelings to each other and it just feels so damn good. We said 'I love you' and then became a relationship.

We both loved each other so much even during our eighth-year friendship and never denied that. Leon meant so much to me as I meant to him as well.

The part telling Leon my feelings was so hard. But it felt like it was easy. I overthought so much and had always expected the other way, though I never thought to think that my best friend would have feelings for me too.

I had figured that Connor and Phoebe were talking to Leon in our group chat without me. I knew it even before Leon gave up lying to me 'cause I knew he sucked at lying.

He suspected that maybe the two of them knew. Maybe they did know about our secret relationship and I know they haven't yet. If Phoebe had found out about Leon and I, the first she'd do was to call me four times a row.

She'd blow up my phone within seconds and call me. If I didn't answer, she'd call Leon or my brother. Connor wouldn't answer because he was already sick of her energetic self and he questions every day how she got it.

As I would say, I think Leon and I had things under control very well.

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