chapter 28

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two weeks ago...


It was around four PM when I came over to Connor and Leon's place. Initially, Leon and I had talked about telling my brother about our relationship. We knew it was time and couldn't handle the pressure of keeping that a secret.

So we thought about it and decided to tell Connor. Usually, hockey practices finish at two PM for him, but he likes to stay and do more for another hour or so. Then, he finished at three PM.

Leon and I left him to relax and have the guy talk before I even came. My veins were steaming with anxiety as I knew what my brother's reaction would be.

I was nervous. I was really nervous. And all I could think of was about Connor and how he might think. Of course, he wouldn't expect his sister and his best friend to be in a relationship.

Over eighty percent of best friends fall in love after a few years and as much as I wouldn't believe it either, I didn't think my friendship with Leon would turn around.

It was a shock when we both had the same feelings for each other. I was hoping that Connor would be happy for me-I was seriously committed to being in a relationship with Leon.

I entered into Connor and Leon's place, having a spare key they gave me. I didn't get to see my brother as he was in a shower and Leon gave me a short kiss.

Connor came back after five minutes before Leon and I broke apart. I smiled at my brother and hugged him. Thank god, he was in his clothes, I thought.

"Hey, Dia. What do you doing here? I thought you were meeting up with mom," Connor said, remembering my plans with mom.

"That's tomorrow," I answered and Connor nodded. Then, I exhaled and shared a look with Leon who was behind the kitchen counter. "Look, Connor, I have to tell you something."

He hummed and turned his whole view at me. Leon then came towards me and Connor slowly frowned, watching us closely. He crossed his arms to his chest and moved his eyes between his best friend and I.

I turned my head and looked at Leon. He returned the look and knew that I needed help. "Uh, I just wanted to let you know that I love your sister so much. She means a lot to me and this is important to me. To us."

Connor stood frozen. He showed no expression as he had realized what was happening. He narrowed his eyes at both of us and blinked his eyes rapidly.

"You guys are in a relationship?" He asked, lost. We nodded. "Together?" We nodded again.

"We both thought it was time to tell you and we coul-" I began and Connor cut me off as he pulled Leon and group hugged us.

Leon and I shared a look as we were confused. Connor pulled away with a huge smile and quickly hugged us separately.

"I'm so happy for you guys." He finally said as I widened my eyes in shock, I couldn't believe my ears.

I narrowed my eyes at Leon beside me and saw him snapping his head at me, a huge frown on his face as if he thought he was the only one listening to Connor.

I looked back at him. "Um." I hesitated and blinked rapidly, stammering when I was lost for words. I shared a look with Leon and glanced at my brother one more time. "Connor, are you ok?"

He chuckled and nodded his head. "I know you were expecting that I'd be mad to find out that you two were dating, but honestly I was."

Leon deepened the frown on his face. "Was?" He replied.

"We all knew this was going to happen. Phoebe and I saw it before you guys even found out." He answered. "But seriously, guys, I'm really happy."

I smiled and hugged my brother tightly for the appreciation. Connor rubbed my back for a split second and pulled away, giving Leon another hug.

Then, they whispered to each other and I instantly frowned, watching the two as they laughed and nodded their heads. They pulled away and Leon wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

Connor gave us a warning look. "Ok, just because, I said I didn't get mad at you guys and I'm happy for you, doesn't mean you can have PDA in front of me. I can still kick you out."

I rolled my eyes while Leon burst into laughter. Within a second, someone's phone was ringing as it cut us off, from our moment of happiness.

"Oh, hey," Connor answered his phone, turning his gaze away from us. There was a pause and Leon caught my attention as he tightened his hold around my waist. I looked at him and smiled, placing a small kiss on his lips. "Yeah, Claudia and Leon finally announced they're together."

We both looked at my brother and figured that he was talking to one of his teammates. But instead, it was the opposite.

"Yeah," Connor chuckled. "Ok, bye, Pheebs." I immediately raised my forehead in shock, a smile on my lips dropping when I heard her name.

"What was that?" Leon asked and my brother cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. He then exhaled.

"Phoebe and I both wanted to tell you something. She couldn't come because she had other plans but I, uh, we've been seeing each other for about two weeks now." What the-

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