Uncle Mikey and Uncle Izana

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Izana loved whenever Shinichiro let him take (Y/n) to see Kakucho, the blond was already protective of the baby. He only trusted his scarred friend around the young, it was a sweet sight honestly. Watching how protective the boy was of the baby. From glaring at objects to people he didn't trust around the small baby.

Izana kept trying to encourage the baby to say his name but she kept giggling, grabbing onto his hands or hair. Even if it annoyed him whenever she tugged on his hair, he could never get mad at his little princess.

"Just say Izana"



While Mikey is a little shit, he often steals baby (Y/n) without anyone knowing. Which caused the whole family to panic.

He shows her off to his friends, some of them had already spotted the girl when they visited Shinichiro's shop.

He shows of what a good uncle he is until Mitsuya takes the baby from him, the blond was holding her wrong and caused her to become fussy.

Toman founders love the girl, Pah adores her giggles and keeps pulling faces. Baji keeps trying to poke her side and when she grabs his fingers, he just grins over at Mikey. Kazutora just cant believe how small the girl actually is and just keeps petting her head. Draken is surprisingly really good with her and keeps her entertained.

What none (expect Mitsuya ) was for the girl to start pulling and tugging at their hair. Mitsuya managed to dodge and distract the young girl when she reached for his hair.

"Say Mikey"

The blond huffed as the girl babbled while clapping her hands, he poked her side telling her to say his name once again. Only for her to reach over pulling on his hair.


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