Chapter 2

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It's been a year since Shinichiro had learned about his daughter and taken her in, it took a while to adjust to his new life but he had no complaints. The little girl had seemed to brighten up everyone's lives in the house. Emma seemed to love being an aunt and no longer the youngest in the house, Mikey loved to hang with the little girl too. Grandpa also seemed to love the new energy in the house often spoiling the girl, even when Shinichiro had whined about how they all spoiled her too much. 

Even his friends had seemed to love their new roles as uncles, helping Shinichiro out when he was too busy at the shop. They'd take the girl of his hands for a few hours before returning her home to a pouting Mikey,  who claimed that they were stealing her away from him. 

Shinichiro had set up an area in his shop where she would stay out of harm's way, but it seemed that she had gotten him more customers as well.  Kids would come in and praise him for being such a cool dad and how they wished theirs were cool too. Delinquents would come in and coo at the girl talking to Shinichiro about what they needed.  

Mikey adored being an uncle, he had someone he could teach to be cool and not that she would ever need to be protected but he was more than willing to teach her to fight once she got older. He had dragged his group of friends over, often bragging to them how he was such a cool uncle. Draken would then proceed to hand the baby to Takashi before lecturing the blond for how he was holding the baby. 

Emma loved having another girl in the house, begging Shinichiro to let her dress the baby. It's not that Shinichiro couldn't dress his daughter probably, he just dressed her in the most ridiculous way. Nothing matched and it looked like the baby picked out her own outfits. Emma was mainly in charge of doing (Y/n)'s hair while Mikey kept the girl distracted. 


Much to Shinichiro's liking, his daughter seemed to have taken a liking to Wakasa. Always rushing towards him whenever he saw her. He missed the days where she just wanted to be held because ever since she learned to walk, she would run to people leaving him behind. 

Wakasa chuckled as he knelt down to make sure the girl wouldn't fall before made it to him, she clung onto him as he stood up. Maybe she was just used to taking her afternoon naps with him. 

Or it was the fact that he spoiled the girl with sweets and pastries. Before dumping her back on Shinichiro who then had to deal with her needing to come down from her sugar high. 


Baby's were ugly and Mikey never understood why everyone loved them but (Y/n) was definitely his favourite in the world,  maybe it was the fact that she kept calling out to him and looked at him with those doe eyes. He loved stealing her away just so he had someone who would nap with him or when she shared food with him. 

With the help of Takashi he quickly learned how to hold her properly. Since the silver head boy kept lecturing him on how to hold for the girl and take care of her. Mana and (Y/n) hang out a lot, whenever Takashi would bring his sisters along. 

Mikey would rather die than admit that he got jealous when (Y/n) paid attention to his friends more than him, he would grab her and just ran away from the boys who had to end up running after him worried that the girl would get hurt.  

"I'm (Y/n) chili's favourite?" 


He smiled down at the girl lightly bumping heads with her as she giggled, was this how big bro Shinichiro felt when he was younger? "Let's go eat some Dorayaki?" 


The blond turned towards his friends with a grin, keeping a hold on the girl. Just smiling as they lectured him about running off like that, how he could have hurt the girl if he wasn't careful. 

"As if I'd let that happen" 

He whispered pouting at them, until the girl cupped his cheeks with a grin "Yaki!" 

"Draken ! Me and (Y/n) chii are hungry!" 


The girl was pulled away from her uncle as the tall blond started lecturing him. Keisuke snickered looking down at the girl, who seemed to have taken an interest in his hair. 


He grabbed the girl's chubby arm before she could grab his hair, moving to poke her sides as a distraction which seemed to capture Mikey's attention. The blond boy huffed watching his niece let out shrieks and giggles. 


The girl shrieked out moving to run towards the tattooed boy, hiding behind his leg to protect herself from Keisuke. The boy could only snicker at her innocent attempt to hide. He moved, letting her use him as a shield from the canine boy. 


The girl immediately ran towards Pah who had brought his dog, she looked up at him waiting for approval. He nodded letting the girl pet his dog, she sat down on the ground happily petting the dog who licked the girl's cheek in return.


The older man adored the energy the girl brought into the house, she had kept everyone on their toes ever since she learned to walk. It was entertaining to see how everyone tried to keep her from any harm. The girl seemed to be very curious lately and kept running off looking for new spots to explore. 


She immediately latched herself onto the older man and smiled up at him, Mikey smiled before letting his grandfather know that he was just dropping the girl off and that he was going out with his friends again. 

"Let's get you some dinner?" 

She nodded, holding grandpa's hand as they headed to the kitchen. Helping the girl onto her stool before the older man started dinner.  As the girl told him about her afternoon with Mikey and Pah's dog. 

Emma soon joined them, offering to take the girl of the older man's hands while he was busy with the dinner.  "Why don't you go give (Y/n) her bath? Shinichiro's working late tonight " 


Shinichiro stepped into the house expecting to find his daughter asleep, but he walked into her sitting next a sleeping Mikey. She cooed crawling towards her father with a bright smile.

"Hey baby, shouldn't you be sleeping?" 

The baby giggled holding her hands up towards, the father couldn't help but laugh as he picked her up. Kissing her forehead as he walked towards his bedroom. 

"You should be sleeping sweetheart, you have a big day tomorrow " 

He wasn't ready to send her to a day care just yet, he would definitely miss his girl. He was so used to having her around him most of the day. He smiled down at her as she cuddled into his chest, slowing dozing off on his chest 

"Don't grow up too fast okay?" 

He continued playing with her hair, until he was certain that she was fully asleep. Before moving her off his chest, tucking her into her bed. He kissed her head one last time and left to go take a shower. 

Shinichiro wasn't sure if he was ready to let her go yet, but she needed to be around kids her age and it would only  e good for her. She would make friends and he wanted nothing more for her to be healthy and happy.  


The group couldn't help but snicker while watching Shinichiro talk to (Y/n), the girl seemed to be too distracted by all the kids around her.  She kept letting out whines as she tried to pull away from her father

"Wanna play!" 

Shinichiro pouted at his daughter, holding her still in front of him as he tried his best to hold his tears back. He was upset that she seemed more eager to run off and go play instead of saying goodbye to him. 


Shinichiro felt chubby hands on his cheeks, blinking as he looked down at the girl. Who tried her best to cheer her father up, she gave him a smile 

"No sad okay?" 

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