Chapter 4

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"You've drawn quiet the crowd"

The crowd stared at the tall blond in shock, before groups started mumbling among themselves. The young girl didn't pay attention since she was too busy enjoying dorayaki with her uncle. 

"All out ..

"No doyaki?" 

The blond nodded at his niece shifting her on his back before turning his attention back to his friend. A grin made its way to his face before looking back at the girl on his back "Let's go ask Ken chin!" He suggested letting the girl down to the ground, she immediately ran over to Draken and clung onto his leg, wstatingstaring up at him. 

"Dagon! No doyaki!" 

"Kenchin all our dorayaki is gone" 

Draken scowled glaring at Mikey, of course he would use (Y/n) to get dorayaki. The two Sano's where absolute sweet tooths and would devour the pastries within minutes. Now he was going to deal with the toddler's sugar rush, not that the girl misbehaved much. It was Mikey's influence that made her cause trouble. 

"I told you not to call me that!" 

Draken scoled Mikey while he picked up the girl,the crowd of boys could only watch as the 2nd commander picked up the girl and started wiping her face of crumbs. Of course most of the crowd knew about her, she was not only the daughter of the ex black dragon leader but the niece of Mikey. 

"You're in Mikey's way, he doesn't talk to guys he isn't interested in"

Draken lectured glaring down at the boy who tried to tell Mikey about himself, but the blond had brushed him off instead he made his way towards the guy who was holding the bat. Who greeted Mikey excitedly only to be kicked and lectured by Draken.  Who was still holding the younger girl. 

"Kiyomasa, who died and made you king?" 

Draken placed the young girl down when he felt her wiggling in his arms, she immediately moved forward to meet the bleach blond her uncle was talking to. She dug through her pockets and pulled out bandaid for the injured boy, who only stared at her in hesistance.  Mikey's glare had warned him not to reject the girl or else there would definitely be trouble. 

"Thank you!" 

Takemichi stayed quiet as the toddler placed a bandaid on his cheek, watching as Mikey made his way towards Kiyomasa. He watched as the short blond kicked Kiyomasa down before turning to them. 

"(Y/n) chii let's go get some more Dorayaki!"


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Shinichiro turned to the voice with a smile, kneeling down and letting the girl clung to him, she wrapped her arms around him and he returned the hug. Big doe eyes stared up at her father waiting for him to pick her up. The male could only chuckle picking up his daughter before looking at Mikey and Draken "They behaved" 

"Mikey made a fiend!" 

Shinichiro glanced at his brother, raising an eyebrow, the blond only shrugged in response, not really paying attention. Before looking at his brother with a grin "Yeah he's kinda like you" 

The girl nodded excitedly looking at her father, which only piqued Shinichiro's interest. Draken shook his head at his friend's actions with a small smile. "He can't fight" 


The two sano brothers started bickering which caused the young girl to try joining in. Shinichiro only hugged his daughter tighter, clinging onto her. Muttering how Mikey was being a terrible influence on (Y/n). Draken stepped on before Mikey could stir his brother up more and pulled the blond by his arm. 

"Come on we got a meeting" 

"Stay safe!" 

Shinichiro followed  the boys to the door, greeting them, letting the young girl hug them both. Before locking up the shop, placing the girl on the ground "You wanna help Otōchan make dinner?" 


Shinichiro held his hand out towards the girl, letting her cling onto him as the two started walking home. The father happily nodded as he let his daughter tell him all about her day and her adventures with her uncle. 

When the two reached the house, (Y/n) immediately ran, going to greet Emma and Grandpa. Shinichiro chuckled, hoping that the two were prepared to have their ears talked off.  He shrugged off his jacket along with his shoes, smiling when he heard Emma talking with (Y/n). 

Once he entered the kitchen he spotted the two girls talking whole his grandfather only nodded not getting any words in with how the girls kept talking. The father quickly took over with making the dinner, it took a few seconds when he felt small hands pull on his shirt. "Wanna help Otōchan" 

"Why don't you help Emma wash the vegetables?" 

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"Do you know about (Y/n) Sano?" 

" mean Mikey's niece?" 

Takemichi looked confused at Naoto, when it hit just how much the two looked alike. But the question was why did he drag his baby niece with him along to gangs but then again Mikey didn't seem as bad as Naoto had made him out to be. 

If anything Mikey actually seemed really nice and like a good guy. He treated his niece with such care, plus it seemed that (Y/n) even looked up to Mikey. Takemichi let out a sigh resting his head on his palm as he stared down at the notebook with a sigh. 

Draken's death had really influenced Mikey so much? 

The male glanced at the screen catching a report of Toman on the news again. His eyes widen spotting a familiar (h/c) girl walking next to Mikey. Was that (Y/n).. 

She was alive!! 

The male let out a sigh relaxing when he learned that the girl was alive. Maybe he could try an talk to her about Mikey!

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The male barely had time to turn around before a small body collided with his. Big (e/c) looked up at him, while her arms where clinging onto him. The boy chuckled petting her head, before looking at his older brother. 

"Thanks for watching her, I'll pick her up later!" 

"I dont mind" 

Izana knelt down letting the younger girl climb onto his back, shifting her when he stood up.  Making sure she was comfortable on his back, smiling when the girl cuddled into him. 

"I'll drop her off" 

At first the platinum haired boy didn't like the idea of introducing his niece to his group. But she had met them by pure accident when she ran his to greet him one day, sure she had met Kakucho.  Because that was the only one who Izana had actually trusted him with the girl. 

Izana would never admit that he hated that the girl like the older Haitani brother, ever since Ran braided her hair. She had always ran over to him first asking him to do her hair. 

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