Dogs and Lesbians

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I stared out the window of my new room, trying to process everything that had happened in the last few hours. My life was changing again, and I prayed that the results of this change wouldn't be as drastic as the last one.

Besides, I'm almost certain I haven't seen the last of that mysterious beauty...or at least I hope.

I mean...not that it's completely necessary...but she had cool eyes and I'm actually really curious about her. Her eyes, that is.

Shaking my head to clear all potentially dangerous thoughts, I turned away from my window, wondering what the best way for me to spend time would be. Unpacking wasn't an option, since it had already been set up for me. Spending time with my parents was also off the list, they were acting too strange to be around.

"Kels!" speak of the devil.

"Coming, Dad!" I shouted, quickly heading downstairs. I stopped midstep, realizing I had actually verbally answered back...and I wasn't under pressure, or being chased by gigantic beasts! It just...came naturally.

Oh my God.

Deciding to call it off as a fluke, I continued, stopping at the bottom of the stairs where my parents were. I immediately noticed that, yet again, my parents were standing side-by-side, huge identical smile painting their faces.

...the hell? How does that not hurt your cheeks?

"Um..." I started, trying to break the silence. I noticed that my dad was holding a collar and a leash, and my mom had Wiley sitting next to her, very obediently I might add.

I just raised an eyebrow, signalling the need for an explanation.

"Wiley needs to go for a walk, and we figured some fresh air would do you good, too. Besides, it'll give you a chance to find your way around town," my mom offered cautiously.

I just nodded. It's a better option than moping around all day.

I held my hand out for the collar and leash, which they were all too happy to hand over. I quickly buckled the collar on the beast, clipping on the leash as well. I was out the door before my parents decided to gift me anything else...I appreciated the gesture, but honestly, why not just a car?

As we neared downtown, I noticed, yet again, how lively everything seemed. There were couples and families everywhere, talking strolls down the sidewalks and dining in restaurants. There were also plenty of groups and cliques of friends, laughing and talking animatedly. The familiar feeling of loneliness enveloped me, and I gripped Wiley's leash tightly. He turned his big brown eyes on me, as if to ask what was wrong. I sighed, briskly walking past all the happiness, which was beginning to nauseate me.

Just breathe. You're on a relaxing walk with your dog, focus on that. Ignore everything else. It doesn't matter, remember? Nothing does anymore...

Wiley began to whine, successfully managing to pull me out of my thoughts. He had stopped walking, and was sniffing the closest building excitedly, trying to pull me towards it. I rolled my eyes, yanking Wiley's leash back in the direction we had come from.

"C'mon boy, it's time to go home," I tried to yank his leash again, but the big beast wouldn't budge. I groaned, realizing we weren't leaving until he got what he wanted. "Fine, you win."

I finally took in my surroundings.

Holy shit, where are we?

It was a good thing Wiley had distracted me from my thoughts, or else I wouldn't of realized we had walked right out of town and into a forest. We were currently in front of an old abandoned building, which was partially hidden by the dense trees around it. I turned in the direction we had come from, spotting the town a good distance away.

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