Salads and Existential Crisis

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Rylee's P.O.V

"Can you please, for the love of God, tell me what has gotten into you?! And let go of me! I can walk!" I rolled my eyes. She only ever yelled when it wasn't convenient.

I tightened my grip on Cassandra's arm, smirking as I was met with an "ow!" from the whiny bitch. I finally reached my destination, which was, of course, the most remote janitor's closet in the school. Classy, I know.

Without wasting another moment, I swiftly pushed her into the room, covering her mouth with mine before she decided to waste more oxygen and speak again. She protests for maybe half a second, before deciding I was way too irresistible to not take advantage of the moment. I lean back against the half-closed door, dragging Cassandra with me as I use my body weight to shut it, and then my mind to lock it.

Big mistake. I'm hit with a wave of nausea, and the steady throb of pain I've had in the back of my head becomes sharp. I was warned to not overuse my powers, especially not while weak; nothing could knock me out faster. I groan, finally pulling away from Cassandra's lips and cradling my head. She reaches for me in an attempt to hold me to her chest and I feebly fight her off, not in the mood to put up with her touch at the moment. I might actually throw up.

I focus all of my attention on the worry and fear now emanating from Cass, being careful not to dwell on the love that was there, too. That hurt to touch even worse, and I was warned extensively that any positive emotion would be my undoing.

Time for the dementor scene.

I muster up any strength I have left and attach my mouth to hers. She makes a noise of confusion before kissing me back, obviously not able to keep up with my yo-yoing emotions. My lips mechanically move with hers, and I rest my hands on her bare arms. I can draw emotions from people without contact, but it's always easier to have a willing vessel that I can touch. I pull away as soon as the worry and fear begin to fade. I didn't really want to dwell on her lust today; usually, I can pull energy from that, too, since it's considered to be the sinful side of love, but I was not in the mood today. I was still weaker than normal, even though my exchanges with Cass were usually enough to fill me up.

I pat her on the cheek and exit the closet, rushing back to whatever class I was supposed to be in. She calls after me, but I don't really listen. I'm sure it's some lovey-dovey shit that would make me feel worse than I already do, and I'm way too preoccupied with whatever the hell is going on with my body to even pretend to care like I usually do.

I enter my math class, giving my teacher a glare so he knew that I wasn't in the mood for his shit. I can see him swallow and hear his heartbeat rise--I know I intimidate people, but honestly, I'm not that scary. This guy is just a pussy.

I quickly finish everything that had been assigned for that class period and turn it in, returning to my seat and pulling out my phone. I play some meaningless game as the people around me whisper about me and complain about how I never had to try at anything to be good. I glance over at their work and notice they're still stuck on the third problem, and I snort, eliciting glares from them.

Damn, they're treating me like I'm the bad guy or something.

I listen to my useless teacher attempt to teach his stupid students for another 40 minutes until the bell finally rings. I sighed in relief and raced out. It was my lunch hour, which meant I would get to grab food and join the drama club in the auditorium, where we were all preparing for auditions. Unfortunately, that also meant I had to endure 30 minutes of Cassandra's clingy ass on my lap while she flaunted that I was hers to the entire club. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make to be able to practice my craft.

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