Blood and Chocolate

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To say I had no fucking clue what was going on was, is, an understatement. I'm pretty sure after Rylee pulled away I didn't even breathe, I just sat there, a statue of flesh and blood. Likewise, I drifted through the rest of the day, not really gone, but not completely there. People were nice enough to point me in the right direction once in a while, but regardless, I always ended up in the right class. Luckily, she wasn't in any of my other classes, just my first; I later found it was psychology, taught by Mr. Ike. Unfortunately, Cassandra was in my last three. And as I sat there, in my last class of the day, (English, I believe?), I almost wished it were Rylee sitting next to me, almost...

            "So, do you do any sports?" this girl just wouldn't quit. Did she not understand after my hundredth time not answering, that I did not want to talk?           

            "I guess not," she continued, barely glancing my way. "You just seem to be one of those girls who's naturally skinny, but not fit, you know?" I bit my tongue, focusing on the grammar worksheet the teacher had handed us ten minutes ago. I couldn't, wouldn't say what I thought, that I was one of the best basketball players my old school had ever seen, that I was the head cheerleader since my sophomore wasn't me anymore. Besides, I wouldn't be saying much of anything anytime soon.

            I shifted my pencil to the margin of the paper, lightly sketching the outline of a face I pretended not to recognize. Cassandra's non-stop chatter drifted to the background as I, once again, let my thoughts wander to the mysterious girl I was beginning to become obsessed with.

            "Don't worry, Kelsea. It will all make sense soon."

What will make sense? School? Life? My insane and extreme unexplainable attraction to her? Whatever it was, she had no way of knowing, and no right to say any of that to someone she had barely met two weeks ago. And why did I care so much, anyway? It's not like she's some wise prophet whose every word is true, she could just be fucking with my mind.

            She could also be trying to fuck with you in a different way.

            I did not expect all of this inner turmoil on my first day of school. I should've known she would be attending school here, though. What other school was there for miles, except the community college? She certainly looked old enough to be a college student, but she did give off a high school student vibe.

            Or was that just me hoping?

            "Wow, you're really good. Hey, you should join art club!" I snapped out of my daze, finally realizing Cassandra had been watching me sketch for the last few minutes.

            "N-no, I'm okay..." what the hell, am I talking?

            "Hey, you do talk! Guess I just gotta talk about something you're interested in, huh?" I sighed, hating that I had already given in to this talkative stranger. She was definitely not going to be leaving me alone now.

            At least she's pretty. And it's just one person, right?

            "So, what do you say? Art club is pretty cool, and I'm not just saying that because I want you to join. I mean, I'm not in art club anyway. I'm in theatre, and tryouts are at the end of this week. But I heard art club is teaming up with the drama department and they're going to be making the set. If we have more people as talented as you are in it, it will look great. Plus, we'd be seeing a lot of each other," to this last statement, she added a wink. Is she flirting with me? Either way, my cheeks started to feel hot.

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