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Christianity had come to the lands 1703 years ago, it's foul odorous stench poisoning the old ways.
The ways of nature, of magic and sacrifice had died.
In its place the mewling wretches burn us on stakes, vilified us, they became wealthy and mocked us for our differences, called them failings, that we would never get to Heaven and meet their Savior Jesus Christ, the King of the Wretched.
The overseer of fondling priests, haters of homosexuals, of transgender, of the downtrodden.
The Heaven filled with the most amazing, ugly and repugnant creatures that slithered and crawled with the tails of pigs, the bodies of mole rats and the black eyed cavernous faces that belonged to only the most devout of Christians, the ones that studied their bibles, said their Lord could only have blue eyes and pale skin, disowned their family for not following his rules and wished death on anyone the soulless suited demanded of them while taking their money and rubbing it over their infested, warted penis'.
Their White Holy Dragon had come to set the Celtic land ablaze, no woman or child was safe, and every man loved to watch them sizzle in the purifying flames.
We woke, rebelled and the Old Guard fought back even harder, called us 'Loony', hey that's okay because they're just words, only actions count when changes need to be made.
We said no to marriage, mortgage, tax and jobs.
We began to build a caravan of nomads, wanderers, travelers, who chose to get lost on the radar.
We started to unite in ways we never expected, I mean humans working together for wisdom instead of war and wellbeing over wealth, I was as shocked as the next person.
We began to talk to trees, to flowers and the ocean, for some of us they spoke back and we began to adapt to our new lives with secret language and hand signals.
We started to call ourselves Dryadians, some of us swapped our vehicles for animals, our belongings became pyre and we became minimalist, all we needed was survival skills and somewhere to hide from the posse, those who wanted us paying their taxes, breeding to support their white, wealthy overlords who were more interested in taking a piss on Mars rather than feed the homeless.
Fear not, we took many of the weary, weathered, wise warriors of the streets who had survived much and were in need of us, they taught us many skills that had been lost to their booze addled brains.
Now with purpose again and a reason to keep living they helped us build, refine and defend.
Who's to say the smartest person on the planet isn't begging in the street right now, hopelessness can destroy the strongest of minds, the poisoned ones somehow have this instinct to keep going, and infecting everyone around them.
Police would try to attack us, targeting the women, children and ethnic among us with the greatest of vigour, trying to imprison us.
It was me, yes and I still have to deal with it... I who murdered the first fascist erupting in a wave of us slicing and hacking at them with nature's own weapons.
Wooden spears, axes and slingshot then we threw them on a burning fire and howled like wolves.
It had taken many years for the changes to happen but we had finally made it, the Old Ways had returned.
One officer who was still breathing but spitting blood begged...
"I have a daughter..."
No one cared, they hacked his head off and we each drank blood from his neck, jugular spewing his toxic life force on our sacred ground.
We set their cars alight and fed on pig that night, yum, funny right? Right?! It was funny, you had better be laughing.
It's 2022 and we're going to rid this world of its virus.
Hail Lir, Hail Morrigan!
The Pagan Ways are being reclaimed!
We aren't nice enough people for you to read on?
In reality we don't do heroes and villains.
About time you figured that out.
After we drank the blood from that bastard's head we fed the brain to my dog 'Bellyfat' put his eyes in a jar and stuck his skull on a pike, at least until my buddy Glynn pissed in it.
I'm simply called Eirwen, I was a woman once now I am without gender, meaningless.
I'm 24 if it matters and I'm tired of being controlled.
Now either get ready for the second chapter or fuck right off!

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