Chapter Two

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100 years ago the five major clans of the land, Gusu Lan, Lanling Jin, Qinghe Nie, Qishan Wen, and Yunmeng Jiang co-existed peacefully. That peace ended when omegas began disappearing and it came to light that Qishan Wen were the kidnappers. Omegas are rare and highly coveted since their children will manifest spiritual tools. Alphas, betas, and omegas present within an hour of birth. Each child gets a unique mark. Alphas on the back of the neck, betas on their right hip, and omegas on their left inner wrist.

One of the omegas kidnapped was a five month old baby girl from a small clan that resided in the mountains. The leader of that clan is Baoshen Sanren. Baoshen Sanren hadn't left the mountain in over fifty years. Some say she is part fae and is immortal, while others say she died long ago and her clan is led by her ghost. Baoshen's mother was part Mogwai and her father was part Wu. She inherited powers from both. She is immortal and can command the spirits of the dead. She can also cast spells or curses. She retreated to the mountains when she was young to take control of her powers and not hurt the living. She adopted people into her clan that have similar spiritual gifts to help them learn control. Baoshen didn't want any part of the greater clans, content to live secluded in the mountains. The Qishan Wen made it personal by coming into her home and stealing one of her omegas.

Summoning the spirits around the Qishan Wen Clan, Boashen Sanren swept in taking out the enforcers holding the omegas hostage. She had a mind to wipe out the whole pack in her fury at seeing the condition of the omega's but one of the alphas from the extended Wen family asks to challenge the current Wen leader, one on one. He had been wanting to challenge him but knew the fight wouldn't be fair. Baoshen consents and he wins easily. She felt hope that Qishan Wen would be led by an honorable man. Before departing back to her mountain she did leave them with a prophecy.

"An omega will only be able to conceive with their true mate. Even then it has to be the omegas choice. There will not be a repeat of what happened today."

Without further explanation she disappears into the night.

The next time Baoshen Sanren has to venture off her mountain is 75 years later. One of her omegas, Cangse Sanren, has found herself in a love triangle and needs Boashens help.

At eighteen Cangse left her home to experience the outside world. She ends up in the Yunmeng Jiang territory, befriending the son of the clan alpha. Jiang Fengmian is smitten at first sight. Cangse enjoys his company. Then Cangse meets Jiang Fengmians best friend Wei Changze and her dragon purrs in contentment. She has found her true mate. Cangse is conflicted. She has come to love both men, but since her dragon loves Wei Changze she will only be able to have children with him.

The elders that were mere children the first time they laid eyes on Baoshen Sanren have to do a double take. She looks exactly the same as she did 75 years ago. Either this is a grandchild of Baoshen Sanren or the rumors are true. She is immortal.

"Baoshen Sanren the Yunmeng Jiang Clan welcomes you to our home," Jiang Fengmian says with a bow.

Baoshen returns the greeting with a slight head bow and an appraising look. Jiang Fengmian is a handsome young man with kind eyes. She can see why Cangse is drawn to him. After meeting Wei Changze she can see why Cangses dragon is drawn to him. Changze has a bright smile and a sparkle in his eyes. Eyes that clearly adore Cangse.

Over dinner Baoshen sees how both men love and take care of Cangse in their own way. Fengmian takes to placing food in Cangses bowl while Changze never lets her water cup run low. The three of them work well together.

"I don't see what the issue is," Baoshen says as the four of them enjoy cups of tea with dessert. From her perspective they will make a fine alpha, beta, omega triad.

"The issue is that I'm the future clan leader and will need an heir," Fengmian says.

"If Cangse is to be your mate wouldn't any child born by her be your child as well?"

"You misunderstand. I will love any child that Cangse is blessed with as my own, but they won't be my blood."

"Blood is thicker than water," Baoshen mutters. "In that case I suggest you have a blood heir through a surrogate."

As she says it she can see that the young Jiang alpha does not like that idea. "How do you feel about this matter, Wei Changze?"

"I am but a humble rogue that has had the good fortune to be taken in by the Yunmeng Jiang. It would be my honor to stay by Alpha Fengmian and Omega Cangses side. Ultimately it is Omega Cangses decision," Changze says.

"Do you know why I proclaimed the true mate edict seventy five years ago?"

"The Qishan Wen kidnapped the few omegas in existence," Fengmian says quietly.

"That is only partly why. The Qishan Wen's weren't the first to enslave an omega for their own selfish reasons. Omega's are rare. Only one in every 1000 children born present as an omega. Alphas, betas, and omegas born from an omega will manifest a spiritual tool. An omega born from an alpha or beta pairing will not. No one knows the reasoning behind it. Cangse, who was born from an alpha, beta pairing, does not have a spiritual tool but her children will," Baoshen explains.

"In the past omegas were not seen as the precious souls they are. They were looked upon essentially as broodmares. Passed around so Alphas could breed gifted children. After Lilliana was kidnapped I couldn't simply allow these practices to continue. That is why an Omega can only have children with their true mate."

True mates aren't a new phenomenon, but they are as rare as an omega. A true mate pairing is when both halves, human and animal, click on all levels. Not all true mates fall in love in a romantic sense. Some stick to a platonic love and find mates that appeal to their other needs. When true mates find each other a mark appears on their neck, right below where the claiming bite would go.

"What if I want to be able to give Fengmian children?"

Baoshen has gotten this question from other omegas over the years.

Baoshen turns her gaze to Cangse. "Child, is that what you truly want?"

Cangse lowers her eyes, shaking her head slightly.

Baoshen's answer to them is this: "Not everyone is blessed with being able to birth a child. Even some true mates aren't able to conceive. If that is a deal breaker then you should probably rethink your decision to want to mate. Adoption and surrogacy can solve this particular problem, but if having a child that shares your blood and DNA is what you really want I suggest you look elsewhere."

"Fengmian, I love you, but both my halves, human and dragon, have found their mate with Changze. I'm not going to be selfish and try to hold on to you both. You deserve to be loved fully by your mate."

"Cangse, please," Fengmian sighs.

"If Baoshen agrees I would like to return to the mountain. If Changze is so inclined I would like for him to join us," Cangse says.

"I would like that," Changze says, taking Cangses hand.

"I agree with your return. Jiang Fengmian, you will one day find a mate and have children. Treat them as the blessing they are," Baoshen warns.

Jiang Fengmian is upset with how this is turning out, but he bows to the immortal in front of him. "I will. Changze, take care of Cangse. Please be happy."

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