Chapter Eight

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Eighteen Years Ago

The day Wei Ying turns fourteen a dizi appears. Auntie Baoshen explains to him that it is his spiritual tool. When he holds it for the first time it hums in excitement and Wei Ying can feel the spiritual energy running through it and he hears a whisper of a name, Chenqing.

"Chenqing, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Wei Ying, courtesy name Wei Wuxian," Wei Ying says excitedly, to the dizi in his hand. Chenqing can't communicate in the traditional way that he and Suibian can. Chenqings thoughts and feelings come to Wei Ying in the form of music and color. Baoshen will provide Wei Ying with a safe, controlled environment to learn how to use his spiritual tool. Wei Ying will get training at Scouts but Baoshen still doesn't completely trust the major clans. Greed and power flares its ugly head every few years. As long as Omegas are safe she won't step in.

Wei Ying can't wait to go to Scouts so he can show Lan Zhan his spiritual tool. Lan Zhan has had his tool for a year and Wei Ying would pout everytime Lan Zhan would leave him for classes on his spiritual tool. Now Wei Ying will be joining him. Wei Ying wants Jiang Cheng to see Chenqing first. He gets his wish when his dad finds him handing over his cell phone.

"A-Xian, hello! Happy Birthday!"

"Jiejie! I miss you!" Wei Ying and Yanli would get to see each other once a month but now that Yanli is sixteen she joined the integrated scouts. He misses her almost as much as he misses Jiang Cheng.

"I miss you too. Jiang Cheng and I will see you in two weeks for your birthday."

"Jiejie, let me talk to him." Wei Ying can hear Jiang Cheng in the background before Jiang Yanli says she will talk to him later and the phone is handed over.

"Happy Birthday, Wei Ying!"

"Thanks, didi. Can we switch to video call? I want to show you something," Wei Ying asks.


When Jiang Cheng comes into view he has a huge grin on his face. He must have been helping Jiang Yanli in the kitchen because there is flour on his nose and in his hair. For a moment it takes Wei Ying's breath away. Jiang Cheng tends to walk around with a scowl, reserving his smiles for a choice few. Mainly his sister and Wei Ying.

"I got my spiritual tool. Meet Chenqing," Wei Ying says, holding up a black dizi. Chenqing sends a burst of pinkish red (love and caring) energy out, wrapping Wei Ying in a happy feeling. "I think he likes you, A-Cheng."

Jiang Cheng gives a formal bow to the dizi. "Jiang Cheng welcomes Chenqing. Please take good care of my gege."

Chenqing trills in blues (trust) and oranges (happiness). Wei Ying can't wait to be able to understand Chenqing.

"I'll see you in two weeks," Wei Ying says before hanging up the phone.

When Wei Ying attends scouts that weekend Chenqing gives off the same colors upon meeting Lan Zhan. When Lan Zhan brings his guqin, Wangji out, Chenqing plays an excited tune. Wangji answers in a more subdued tone.

"What are they saying?" Wei Ying asks.

"They are saying hello. Chenqing is as energetic as his owner," Lan Zhan says.

"Chenqing and Wangji are going to be best friends just like we are Lan Zhan!"

"What a pity..."

Wei Ying can read the other boy now and his slightly turned up lip means he's joking. Laughing, he takes Lan Zhan's arm to pull him to class.

During dinner that night Wei Ying pushes an envelope over to Lan Zhan. The Lan's have a rule against speaking during mealtimes, but Lan Zhan doesn't comment anymore about Wei Ying's blatant disregard for that rule.

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