Chapter Nine

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Present Day

As soon as Lan Zhan puts the car in park, Jiang Cheng has the door open and is landing on the ground on four paws taking off in a run.

"What the hell?" Wei Ying wonders, turning to look from Sandus' retreating form to Lan Zhan's face.

"You should follow him. I'll let Yanli know we will be away for a few more hours and I'll meet you there," Lan Zhan says leaning in to give Wei Ying a kiss.

They know where Jiang Cheng is headed. Wei Ying just isn't sure why.

"Okay, but don't take too long." Wei Ying gets out of the car and shifts in a swirl of black into Suibian. Using his leg muscles he jumps into the air to follow Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng is going to their fishing cabin by one of the smaller lakes. They discovered this cabin the first summer they spent together when they were fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen. It had been in disrepair and after learning that it was property of the Jiang's the boys asked if they could fix it up. Back then it was a one room cabin without any electricity or plumbing. Twelve years ago Madame Yu had it renovated as a bonding gift. The cabin was expanded to include a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying, and Lan Zhan spent their month of seclusion after their bonding ceremony in the cabin. Now the families use the cabin for overnight 'getaways' with and without their children. It is only three miles from the main houses, but where it is situated makes it feel like they are a million miles away.

Wei Ying spots Jiang Cheng in the clearing that leads to the cabin. He shrinks his size to be only slightly bigger than Sandu as he hones in on the running wolf. As a dragon he has the ability to change his size at will. Bichen can make himself smaller but not any bigger than his full grown size. Sandu can't do either. Baoshen explained that each spiritual animal has their own set of capabilities. Sandu doesn't mind not being able to grow bigger or make himself smaller but in times like this he did wish he was a little faster. Sandu knows Suibian is close and he makes himself stay loose as the dragon crashes into him. Suibian is gentle, taking the brunt of the crash. Sandu doesn't feel like being gentle right now. He needs Suibian to see him as strong and not fragile. He throws the dragon off his back immediately pouncing on him.

"Sandu! What's gotten into you?" Suibian demands.

"You need this to get your head on straight. Fight me and don't hold back," Sandu insists, snapping at Suibian's leg.

Suibian grunts, flicking out his tail to sweep Sandu off his feet.

"Finally!" Sandu growls, throwing his body into Suibian. Suibian doesn't budge, but Sandu isn't deterred. He jumps onto Suibians back, biting at his neck.

"Fuck..." Suibian shakes his body trying to dislodge the tight grip Sandu has on him. When that doesn't work his body grows bigger making Sandu lose his grip, letting out a surprise yelp at finding himself several feet higher in the air than he had been.

"Cheat..." Sandu accuses Suibian. Rolling off he ends up under him. In a shimmer of purple Jiang Cheng lays beneath the massive dragon. He trusts Suibian and Wei Ying with his life. He knows he won't slip and crush him. Suibian keeps himself still, not wanting to accidentally hurt his mate.

"I refuse to live in fear. You taught me that," Jiang Cheng murmurs, running his hand over the fiery red belly. At his touch, Wei Ying shrinks down to the size of a large lizard, snuggling into Jiang Cheng's chest and neck. Bichen approaches the pair and lies down next to Jiang Cheng.

"When Dad first told Yanli and I that you were coming to visit, I was so excited. I love my sister, but I wanted a brother. When we met and I scared you...I was devastated."

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