My world thoughts for today.

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Life can be taken for granted so much if you don't understand it. It can be pulled away from you. Even when you feel you have everything together a lot of times you don't. It's really just not good and your most likely to be broken and sad but if you understand that and except life and all its problems you can move on from the pain and the worry. Even when you have all things pushing against you. You can fight it and make things better. As you go though life you will see things that will scare and hurt you but you have to fight it. Push, push it down, push it away. Push down the pain of life even when you want to show how much pain your in just push all the love and hate away cause love hurts more then you know and hate what everyone thinks cause they don't know what there doing to you. Breath. Breath in. Breath out. Breathing can make or break you. You can feel alive but also feel dead cause life makes you breath even when you really don't want to. Love is something that pushes the wonders of life away even when you might not understand how it works you can still hope that it will work even when your lost , hurt, broken, even destroyed with everything that comes your way. Life is hard and scary you can still go and try. Life can and will get better if you just believe it can. As you go you will learn thimgs that may change how you feel and thats fine cause that means your learning and growing your mind thats what life is for. For you to learn and grow.

Thank you for reading!
298 words!

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