Chapter 3

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I awaken to the ray of moonlight beaming through my curtains, and my alarm playing "Maria, Maria" out loud and clear. I turn to the side to check the time to find it's 2:22 am, I groaned in annoyance and smash my stupid alarm clock, sending it to the floor. It always rings at different times of the day, even though I've smashed it so many times, it still survives.

I slowly roll out of bed, curling myself up in my blanket, flopping down to the light purple fluffy rug that lays under my white bed. As you can tell I am absolutely exhausted by the week that has passed, and I am no longer bothered for anything.

Tonight is probably one of the worst nights I've had in a long time, I mean ever since my mum.... passed away from cancer. I found it hard to fall asleep. I'd have lowkey gone through every possible thing that stops a person from sleeping.

My dad had that first parent instinct that something wasn't right, so he did the obvious and sent me to therapy. Although I on the other hand, don't open up, don't like to talk about my feelings, like to stay closed, bottled up.

And yes I know it's bad for me, but I don't like to let my feelings take control of me, I like to take control of them. Anywho, after the therapist figured that they weren't getting anything out of me, they refused to waste their time on doors that can but won't open, (their words not mine).

As I'm curled up on the carpet, my phone starts to ring. Great, now I gotta get up. I pull one arm out of my blanket and reach to the table top bedside my bed, until

"Ah shit" It falls.......on my face. I know how great is that.

I scrunch my face, to the pain it had given me, now hoping I won't be looking like Rudolph the reindeer with a red nose. Without looking at who it was, I answered the phone.


"Err.. good morning to you too prinsesa" His voice is deep and musky, through the speakers, he almost sounds like he hasn't slept in days. hang on a second, look who it is, its rush off to secret places guy, what the hell does he want.

"What do you want, it's freaking 2 something?" I say, already forgetting the time.

"Seems someone has a pea hidden in their mattress" is he seriously talking fairy tails right now.

"Yeah, yeah funny, now what's up?" 

"Well, I don't know, I was bored so I called"

"Are you serious?"

"I am" he dryly replies 

"I had my mother fucking phone fall on my face for you to tell me you're bored" I hissed through the phone.

"Are you seriously blaming me for, being rolled up on the floor like a hobo"

"Yes I am,....wait, how do you know I'm-" I shot my head up, to find him sitting on my window frame, with one leg hanging out.

"Buenos días cariño" he winks

This dude

"What the hell" I whisper-shout, while unraveling myself out of the sushi roll I'm still in.

he chuckles lightly while walking passed me towards my bed, 

"get out" i tell him, He looks up at me with an emotionless expression, then his vision lingures along the rest of my body. I pull the blanket across my shoulders feeling quite exposed by the lights summer blue pjs i'm wearing. getting quite awkward with the silence, I finally say

"where'd you go yesterday" 

"no where" so dryly he replies

is he kidding me "tell me"

"Vee, just stop"

"Stop what seriously"

"Veronica, please you can't be this dumb, you can't"

"ok so you're calling me dumb now, come on Matías, stop bullshitting me"

"Ve, I'm not bullshitting anyone, just get over it" he says while rolling his eyes

"Yeah alright ok, you see the thing is thats always what you always say, Matías do I actually look that stupid to you, I know your hiding some shit and your gonna confe.."

"VERONICA, ARE YOU DEAF?, JUST DROP IT WILL YOU, I'M NOT FUCKING HIDING ANYTHING, STOP ASSUMING THINGS" he shouts, getting off the bed, in one swift motion, face to face with me.


"don't raise your voice at me" he says blankly, turning away from me.


"IS THAT WHAT YOU FUCKING THINK, THAT I'M F-ING SOME BITCH" he yelled back pushing me against the wall, gripping my neck, with is forehead on mine. My heart beat dropped to the pit of my stomach, I froze in panic knowing that when Matías gets mad, he gets mad. 

"mmm, YES OR NO," he states bashing his fist against the wall, focusing on my eyes, slipping his leg between mine so I can't move. I Shake my head trembling, feeling water build up in my eyes. He looks to the side, clenching his jaw, giving the view of his perfect jaw line. My throat becomes tight so I swallow to its pain. I've never been in a situation with him like this, I see it from afar, but never has he done it towards me. 

He then lets go of my neck and I immediately feel he cold air fill in the space between us. I struggle to regain my breathing and cough out the pain. He runs his hand through his curls looking down, puffing out his hot breath from his nose, then finally repossess eye contact.

"v--" he starts

"don't" I say blankly 

"just don't"

he fills the space between us once again, and reaches his hand to my face, to remove a strand of hair. but before he can I flick his hand away and push passed him toward my bed. although of course he yankes me towards his chest, grabbing my wrist. rough much.

"let go" i spit at him, he blankly stares down at me, with no expression at all.

"let go i said!" trying to pull my arm away, but he did nothing but stare. it started to get awkwardly uncomfortable, so I cut eye contact with him no longer being able look at him

"look at me" he finally said, although I didn't, I couldn't. he then slowly lifts my chin to face him, and I could help but feel cold tears run down my cheeks. he then cups my cheeks and wipes my tears away  giving me an apologetic look. he pulls me into a bear hug, and I just stand then speechlessly. 

"i'm sor-"  

"its fine" i cut him off. i could no longer resist his heavenly aroma of his Cologne, so I helplessly hugged him back, hiding my head into his neck. man he smelt so good. omg ew stop, what and i thinking right now. he pulled away holding my hand still keeping some connection of warmth.

"i gotta go" he simply said, letting go of our hold. I slowly nodded looking at our feet, not darling to look up and with that he was gone.


and there chapter 3, i'm sorry our chapters a short, but i really can't be bothered.

thx and love u! <$



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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