Chapter III [3] - See you tonight~

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A few days had passed since Bad trolled Skeppy, so Skeppy thought he was going to troll Bad back. He decided to stream on his alt account, which Bad didn't follow, so he didn't hear the plan that he'd do. Skeppy quickly turned on his pc, got his headphones ready and pressed "start stream." "Hii everyone!!" he said, as excitement filled the room. "I know it's really early, but I just wanted to stream and ask you guys a few questions." He looked at how many people were viewing his stream, and saw that only 14 people were. "So anyone of you 14 people have an idea on how I can troll Bad?" He asked, and he got minecraft to load.  Some said to prank him when he arrived at his house, others said not to troll him and just spend some quality time with each other. "Maybe I cna do a mixture of both the ideas, what do you think?" His chat really liked the idea of combining the two ideas, and decided to leave the stream afterwards. 

-------------------------------------45 minutes later----------------------------

He had ended the stream, and was ready to go to bed until he got a notification from Bad. Hesitantly, he opened the dm to see that he had tried to call him for 30 minutes. He decided to call Bad back. "Badd, why'd you call?? It's so earlyyyyy." "Skeppy I just needed to get your attention somehow." "Well you could've dm'd me and not called me 12 TIMES." Skeppy said, with slight anger in his voice. "Sorry muffinhead, I guess you're right. Anyway I just wanted to say good morning and good night! <3" Said Bad, as he blew a virtual kiss towards Skeppy. Skeppy mumbled "I love you too.", but didn't want to say it out loud. "I think you cut out Skeppy, what did you say?" Skeppy mumbled "I love you." again, but this time a little bit louder. "Hm? I  didn't hear what you said, could you repeat it again?" Skeppy then took a deep breath, and shouted "I LOVE YOU BAD!!" Bad paused for a minute, and shouted throug the phone as well. "I LOVE YOU TOO YOU MUFFINHEAD!!!" 

BadBoyHalo and Skeppy disconnected.

Bad's POV: 

It was almost 5:45 am, and he couldn't sleep. He had so many questions running through his mind. "What if Skeppy doesn't like me? What if I say or do something wrong? What if.." He was interrupted by a buzz on his phone. He walked over to see who it was, and it was Skeppy. "Huh..I thought he would've been asleep by now." He opened the notification to see what it had said, and he saw a picture of an airport. After he saw the picture, he immediately called Skeppy. 

"Hii Bad!" He said, with joy in his voice. "Skeppy are you at the airport?!?" He asked, with a sort of nervous tone. "Yeah, I just got here. My flight leaves in 2 hours :D" "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU'D ARRIVE TODAY!!" He screamed, which startled Skeppy. "Woah dude, calm down. I'll arrive at your state today, but I won't be coming to your house until 9-10pm. Still have to get used to the area." He calmed down Bad, and grinned on the camera. "i have to get ready and stuff, I love you Bad, i'll see you tonight." He said, hanging up the phone. Bad went back to bed and mumbled to himself. "heh..see you tonight Skeppy."

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