Chapter VI [6] - The Boy and the Painter

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Both had happily talked about their feelings, and confessed with one another. Night was approaching quicker than they'd thought. Skeppy had created his own diary, and Bad had confessed his feelings towards Skeppy. He got reminded of the fanart again, and how much art Bad had done. He decided that today would be the day that he learned how to paint so he could create art for him.

Bad's POV: 

He woke up from his nap to somebody making noise in the room next to him. He checked the time, to see that it was 10:30. "have I been asleep for a few hours?" He asked as he got out of bed to check on what the noise was. He opened the door and came back to a bunch of paint drips leading outside. He went to open the front door, and once he did, he was surprised to see Skeppy with a paint brush and canvas. 

bad yawned as he went to approach Skeppy. "Zak, what're you doing?" He asked. Skeppy put his paint of the ground and looked back at Bad. "Oh hii Bad! I'm just painting a little something for us." He said as he continued to add some details. "That's really nice, but it's almost 11 long have you been out here?" He sounded kind of worried. "I've been here since you fell asleep, but I think i'm almost done!" Skeppy added a few more brush strokes to the canvas, and went to show Bad. "Ta-da! What do you think?" Bad went to look at the canvas, and was amazing at what he saw. "Wow Skeppy, this is amazing!" He giggled at how cute it was, which made Skeppy giggle too. "I never knew you could paint, Skeppy." He said as he took the painting from Skeppy. "Hey, what're you doing with my painting?!" Skeppy went to chase after Bad, but he was too slow.

 "Bad, give it back!!" He shouted, which made him feel kind of bad. "Oh come on Skeppy, its meant to be hung up in the art studio. Follow me!" "Hold on, you have an art studio?!?" Of course, Skeppy was frozen in shock. "I thought you only made some painting here and there, but I never knew you had a room dedicated to painting." Skeppy followed Bad upstairs to where the studio was. When they got there, he saw that the wall was covered in painting that Bad has done over the years. "Holy s*** Bad, when do you have to do all of this?" "Oh, I paint whenever I feel stressed or when I feel like I need a break from reality, so I pretty much paint almost every day." He put Skeppy's painting where his old one was, so he could look at it every day. 

"Why did you take down your painting, Bad?" Skeppy asked as he looked around the room. "So I can look at us every time I paint" Bad smiled, making Skeppy blush. "Bad, I have a question" Skeppy asked, as his voice got a little shakey. "Hm, what's your question?" He asked, walking over to Skeppy to make sure he was okay. "Can you teach me how to paint like you?" Skeppy didn't look too well asking it, but he tried to make sure Bad was smiling and not worried about him. "Of course you muffinhead." He said, walking over to check Skeppy's temperature.  "Skeppy, you're burning up, come on, we have to get you to bed." 

"NooOo I'm fine." Skeppy said, almost fainting. He had fallen asleep on the floor, which Bad hadn't noticed for a few minutes. When he went back to get Skeppy, he saw him passed out on the floor. "Aw, he over-worked himself." He left Skeppy alone to go and grab a pillow and blanket for him. Once he did, he went back to the room, lifted Skeppy up and put him on the couch with the pillow and blanket in hand. He gave him a muffin plushie, and went to go write in his diary. 

Day 45

Dear Diary,

Tonight was one of the best nights I've had in a while. Skeppy painted us a picture, which I never knew he could do, and it was so beautiful that I almost shed a tear. He's doing a bunch of stuff to help cheer me up, but he's also over-working himself. It breaks my heart to see him do this just so I can be happy. I know I shouldn't be thinking this, but I can't let him break himself just so I can be fixed. 

I don't know what I can do to make him happy though. I can't just be myself, that'll make it worried, and I can't keep faking and telling him that everything's okay cause i'll go crazy. Ugh, why is life so difficult sometimes. I feel like i'll lose it, and I can't do that in front of him. Sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, other times I want to just start crying, I want to do so many things, but I can't. I can't push myself to do this. 

Seeing Skeppy care so much about me made me realize what kind of person he was. He was they type that would try to do their best to make others feel , and personally, I admire that. He over-worked himself just to learn something tat would make me happy, me, of all people. I've never seen this side of him before, and I love it. It's like every day is a new adventure, or like a new chapter that is waiting to be told. 

I can't wait to see what the future holds, whether its a few days from now or a few years from now, as long as I get to spend it with my best friend, ah no, with the one I love, then everything will be okay. This, this is truly the best feeling, and I hope that someday everyone gets to feel this way. 

He finished writing in his diary, so he put it down and went back to check on Skeppy. He saw that Skeppy was getting up, so he went and sat next to him. Skeppy mumbled a little bit before any sentences came out. "B-Bad..?" He asked, as his eyes slowly opened. "What're you doing..?" He said, as he sat up on the couch. "Oh, you're up! I was just writing and painting." He said as he grinned at Skeppy. "Oh okay *yawn* i'll go back to bed." After he said that, he instantly fell asleep. "Poor Skeppy" Bad walked over to him and kissed him on his forehead as he whispered. "I love you, Zak." 

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