Chapter VII [7] - What's happening to me..?

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Morning was approaching, and Skeppy didn't feel too good. His stomach was filled with butterflies, and he had no idea why. He had confessed to Bad already, and Bad confessed to him. He still felt nervous, anxious and scared. Bad felt the same way, but they didn't want to tell each other how they felt. 

Skeppy's POV: 

He woke up on the couch with a note that had his name on it. "I didn't know Bad wrote notes as well." He picked up the notes and started to read it out loud.

Hi Skeppy! I had to run out and do some things, I should be back around 4. You can explore the house or do whatever you feel like you want to do, just don't go into my room please! <3. 


Darryl <3

"Yeah there's no way I'm not going to go into his room." He put the letter back in its original spot, got up and went to look around. He exited the room, shut the door gently and went to Bads room. There was a sign on the door that said "Bads room owo !!DO NOT ENTER!!" Pfft, that's cute. Skeppy giggled a bit as he opened the door. 

There were lots of pieces of paper on the floor and on his bed. "Man, his room is messy." He said, as he looked through the papers. As he was putting the paper on the chair, he found one that seemed a bit different from the others. "Hm, what's this?" He picked up the paper and started to read it. 

Day 28

Dear Diary,

I don't know what's happening to me. Everything hurts, both mentally and physically. Every time I think about what happened, I get a pounding headache. I've been to a bunch of doctors, but they think it's nothing. Google doesn't help in any way, and even if I am ill, I have to push through for my fans..

I've spent countless nights in my art studio, and i've hidden the pieces pretty well. I hope nobody discovers them. It would reveal my illness, my mental one at least. I know I need help, but I don't know where to get any. I know I've said this multiple times, but I am getting sick of it. I'm sick of faking my happiness, I'm sick of putting on a happy face every day.

I know  it's all just in my head, but I keep hearing them, they won't go away, they won't leave me alone, they won't let me go to bed at night, and they won't let me be happy. 

"The other half of it is torn off.." Skeppy kept looking around for the other half of the paper, when he found something else. It was a picture, but not a picture of anyone, just a big shadowy figure. He looked on the back to see if there was a description, which there was. He read it slowly and carefully to see if there were any hidden clues. 

"'The monster inside me', well what could that mean?" He decided to piece the two pieces if paper next to each other to see if it added up. "It does! But now i'm missing another piece of it.." He kept searching and searching for what felt like an eternity.  He looked all over and found it underneath a few books. It looked like Bad was trying to hide it on purpose. Skeppy took the piece of paper and put it next to the other two pieces. He read the whole thing, now with the other half attached. 

Day 28

Dear Diary,

I don't know what's happening to me. Everything hurts, both mentally and physically. Every time I think about what happened, I get a pounding headache. I've been to a bunch of doctors, but they think it's nothing. Google doesn't help in any way, and even if I am ill, I have to push through for my fans..

I've spent countless nights in my art studio, and i've hidden the pieces pretty well. I hope nobody discovers them. It would reveal my illness, my mental one at least. I know I need help, but I don't know where to get any. I know I've said this multiple times, but I am getting sick of it. I'm sick of faking my happiness, I'm sick of putting on a happy face every day.

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