Chapter IV [4] - New Feelings

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Skeppy's POV:

After he hung up the phone with bad, he went to his seat and waited until they called him. As he got on the plane, he thought he saw somebody familiar. He didn't want to make it too obvious that he was looking at him, but he tried to look at who it was. He finally got to get a glimpse of his face, but he didn't expect him to be here. The person recognized Skeppy, and waited for him to get on the plane. 

"Hii Skeppy!" They said, with a smile. Skeppy put his bag down, and sat in his seat. "Uhm hello! DO I know you?" He asked, he couldn't see the persons ace through the mask. "Yes, it's me, Quackity. How did you not recognize me?" He asked, kind of shocked that he'd ask that. "Oh, hii Quackity! where are you off to?" Skeppy asked, as he got his headphones. "Oh, i'm off to England, for some weird a** reason they didn't have one-way trips." "Doesn't this flight get you further away?" "Well yes, but I mean there weren't any other flights, plus it's worth it to go to England." They both chuckled a little bit as the plane got ready to take off. 

[I'm not going to make you read all about a plane trip, so i'm just going to skip to when Skeppy arrives at the airport.]

-------------------------4 hours later-------------

Skeppy and Quackity both waved their good-byes as they went their own ways. As Skeppy left Quackity, he grabbed his phone and turned on the wifi. Once he did, he saw loads of notifications, which was surprising since not many people were on. He decided to go and check them, and to his surprise, he saw the same airport that he was at. Everyone kept re-tweeting the photo, so he decided to look at it. It was a photo that Bad had tweeted 30 minutes ago. He went to look at what the tweet said. "Change of plans @Skeppy, i'm meeting you very soon owo" Once Skeppy saw that, he went to grab his bag and tried to go as fast as he could. 

An hour had passed, and the airport got more and more crowded by the second. Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hello sir, are you okay? You seem a bit worried." He looked at the person, who was a security guard. "Hi, uhm I think i'm lost." He said, looking the security guard in they eyes. "Okay, where are you trying to go?" They asked, as they grabbed their map. "I'm trying to get the the exit." "Ohh alright, follow me." Skeppy then followed the guard as they led him to the exit. "Thank you so much!" He said, as he waved the guard good-bye. "Good-bye!" 

Skeppy went through the exit doors, and looked back at the photo that Bad tweeted. He looked around, and found the same area where he took the picture. He looked around, but he could barely see anything around him, other than the signs. He tried to get through the crowds, but he felt as if he were in New York. He ended up finding a bench to sit at, and texted bad. 

Bad, where are you?

What do you mean Skeppy?

I'm at the airport you muffin.

So am I, I think i'm lost..

You're not lost, I can see you right now. :)


BadBoyHalo went offline.

"Of course he went offline." As Skeppy let out a sigh as he felt something on his shoulder. "Sir, are you okay?" That voice..sounded familliar to him. He went to look over at them, and he saw Bads face. "BAD!!" He jumped up and hugged him tight, almost pushing him over. Bad hugged him tight aswell. Neither of them wanted to let go of each other, but they let go of each other and held hands. They walked down to Bads car, put Skeppy's suitcase in the trunk, hopped in and drove off. 

"Soo Bad, what is there to do around here?" Bad glanced at Skeppy. "Well there aren't too many things to do around here, I think anyway. I never really payed attention to what was around here, kind of ironic, isn't it?" Skeppy look surprised. "You don't know what there is to do around here..? But you've lived here for a while." "Yeah that is true, but I'm normally working or fixing my server because of you." Bad rolled his eyes as Skeppy giggled. "Alright, we're here!" Bad said as he parked. "Oh wow, that's a beautiful place you have." "Yeah it's alright I guess, now c'mon!" He said, grabbing Skeppy's suitcase out of the car. 

Bad walked up, unlocked his door and brought Skeppy's suitcase inside. Skeppy got out of the car and looked around. "Woahh, this place is beautiful!" He said, eager to see what was around him. There were so many Christmas lights hanging on all the houses, filled with different variations of bright colors. Skeppy looked over at Bads decorations and saw red and black lights, along with blue ones near the chimney. "Hey Bad, I have a quick question." Bad quickly came outside and walked over to Skeppy. "What's your question?" He asked. "Why're the lights red and black?" "Oh, I always do red and black lights, I made the ones near the chimney blue, just for you" Bad smiled as Skeppy blushed a little. "Now come onn, I have a surprise for you inside!" Bad grabbed Skeppy's hand as he pulled him inside. 

They both got inside, and saw that there was lots of skep-halo fanart around the place. "Bad, why is there so much fanart around your kitchen?" Bad looked over at Skeppy and sighed. "Its some fanart I drew, mixed in with the fans' fanart. Skeppy laughed after Bad said that. "You made fanart of us?!" Bads face instantly turned pink. "Uhm, yes..?" "Y'know Bad, that's actually really cute." He picked up the one that Bad had signed and put it to his chest. "Y'know Bad, you can deny it all you want, but I know you're a simp. The proof is the the  pudding." Bads face started turning red, as he excused himself to go to the bathroom. 

Bads POV:

He quickly opened the bathroom door, shut it and locked it. He then looked at the mirror. "Oh my goodness, I should've put it away before he came over." He splashed his face with water and looked at himself.  "I actually did that, I can't believe myself." He sighed as he looked at the mirror. He slapped himself and looked back at the mirror. "No, today s not the time to make Skeppy feel bad, today is the day to make his visit the best one yet." He took a deep breath as he unlocked the door and turned the handle. 

After he got out, he saw Skeppy in the kitchen, looking at all the fanart. "Bad, how many did you draw?" He asked, looking shocked at his artistic abilities. "Oh well i've made lots of fanart, I was just too afraid to post it." Skeppy walked over to bad and held his hand. "Y'know Bad, if you're a simp for me you can just say it." Bad tilted his head and looked at Skeppy. "I-I don't really want to talk about this right now..I'm sorry Skeppy." He let go of his hand and walked up to his room. He shut the door and sat on his bed, wondering what he had just done. "Great..I messed up." he said, as he remembered the look in Skeppy's eyes when he saw the art. "Heh, he did like the art, didn't he?" He chuckled a little bit as he sat up to leave his room. "Now how do I tell him..." 

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