Chapter 14

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I lead the group along the path we took yesterday, trying to pick up little clues here and there. But so far, we had nothing.

We all went behind trees to shift, and I quickly stripped of my clothes and shifted into my wolf. I grabbed my clothes and threw them in my backpack, zipping it up with my teeth.

I grabbed the actual backpack in my mouth and ran out from behind my tree. Xanders huge blackwolf was standing there, along with Aiden. Ali came out within the following minute, along with Tessa.

We ran to the border and crossed it, and we all sniffed around, trying to catch Thomas' scent. Got it! Tessa said through the mind link. I went over to where she was sniffing and caught his scent.

Come on, I said through the mind link, following my twins scent. We all bolted off and followed the scent until the sun began to set, whew we stopped and shifted into human form except Xander, who went hunting for dinner.

I got a fire started and soon Xander came back with a deer. The worst part of being a wolf was having to kill innocent animals. I once tried to become a vegetarian, but Lilly, my wolf, wouldn't have it.

(A/N- I didn't know if I already named her wolf so that's her wolfs name)

I cooked the deer for everyone and we ate our dinner quietly, then shifted back in our wolf forms and continued to follow Thomas' scent.

As the sun began to rise, we reached the border to Quintons pack. We all shifted and clothed ourselves, but not before I puked up my dinner for the night before.

Xander held back my hair for me and soothingly rubbed my back. "Xan," I whimpered once I finished. "What if I'm pregnant?" I whispered.

"I don't know," Xander said, helping me up.

I shook off the feeling but Xander didn't look convinced but he followed my lead.

We didn't bother waiting for Quintons request onto his land; he didn't deserve that kind of respect. We were able to sneak past the border patrol without being scene, and I followed Thomas' scent to the pack house.

"QUINTON!" Xander hollered, making everyone outside stop and look at us. The devil himself walked out of his pack house.

"I've been expecting you. Now, if you want your pack members back, I want mine back. I'd say it's a fair trade," he smirked.

"They're not coming back to this pack. They willingly came to our pack, you can't rule over them anymore," I shouted.

"Quinton, why are you doing this?" Ali begged.

"Because, my mate got taken away from me. She rejected me, and I never gave her permission too," he growled.

"You never cared for her you bastard! You continued to sleep around and when she rejected you, you killed her! What kind of sick person does that!" Aiden roared, shifting into his wolf and lunging at Quinton.

Tessa screamed as Quinton easily threw him against a tree. Tessa ran over to him as he whimpered.

"Why are you doing this?" Ali cried.

"Your sister was an ugly bitch who doesn't listen to Alphas orders," he snarled. "Now, why don't you come back to my pack. Smith misses you dearly," Quinton said, an evil and sick smirk spreading across his face.

"You said you killed him!" Ali cried.

"Oh, no. He's been alive this whole time," he said in a sick tone.

"Where is he!" Ali begged. I looked over at Xander, who looked just as confused as I was. Who was Smith?

"In the cellars. But I wouldn't go down there if you want to be joining him," Quinton said. His smirk was making me sick to my stomach.

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