Chapter 9

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"Xan, how does Thomas already know Mia is his mate?" I asked. We were both relaxing on the couch, him sitting up and me with my head in his lap. He was playing with strands of my hair which surprisingly didn't bother me like it did when most people played with my hair. "He's older than Mia and he's not eighteen yet, so how do they feel the mate bond?"

"I don't know. We should talk to them about it," he suggested.

"Yeah, I think we should, but not right now." I was enjoying just laying here with him not worrying about anything. We had our first day of training this morning and I think we made good progress. Our troops were already trained with pretty good combat skills but there was room for improvement.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear. My wolf was howling in joy at how close we were, and quite frankly so was I.

"I love you too," I whispered back. My eyes slowly started to close as Xander continued to play with my hair.

I woke up the next morning wrapped tightly in a pair of arms. Xander was snoring softly, a small, natural smile on his lips. I heard our bedroom door open very quietly, so if I was asleep I wouldn't have heard it.

"Thomas I swear to God if you set off the fire alarms I will kick your ass," I warned, knowing exactly who it was without looking.

"Damn it. Go back to sleep," he whined.

"No you big baby. Go back to your room with Mia and Trina," I laughed quietly. Xander slowly started to move and his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning," he whispered, pressing his lips to mine.

"AHHHHH!" Thomas screamed, running out of our room quickly. I heard something crash to the floor and knew it was the bin of fire crackers he had brought.

"Works every time," Xander smirked, deepening the kiss.

"Yup, I've known him six months longer then you have," I smirked.

"True that," Xander sighed, pulling my impossibly closer to him. The contact was making my wolf jump around in circles as she howled in joy. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"What's so funny?" Xander asked, a goofy grin on his face too.

"My wolf," I laughed again as she sat on her bottom and looked around with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. "She's acting like me on Christmas."

"That's a funny thing to watch. I still have the video from last year when you opened your fuzzy socks," Xander laughed.

"You know I love fuzzy socks and you've known that since we've all been is second grade so don't make fun of me because of it ten years later," I warned, glaring at him. His eyes flickered with fear. Ha!

An alpha is scared! Never saw that one coming!

"Come on, let's go talk to Thomas and Mia," I laughed, pulling him up off the bed. We ran across the hall into their apartment and they were sitting in the living room watching a movie.

"We have to talk to you guys about something important," I started, making myself comfortable in the armchair. Xander say down on the arm rest beside me. "Thomas, you're not quite eighteen yet..."

"Don't remind me," he groaned.

"Be serious for once, please," I begged.

"This must be really serious if you're begging me to be serious," Thomas said, straightening up and going into his beta trance.

The second the pack members realized we were a worse version of the three stooges, they thought the pack was going to die under the hands of us. With all the pranks we played and the fact that the three of us had one percent of responsibility and ninety-nine percent trouble in our bodies lead them all to believe that this pack would never last when we became the leaders.

We proved them wrong. Yes, we are still very irresponsible but when it comes to stuff like this we pull out that one percent of responsibility and kick ass with our decisions.

"Like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," I started, staring at Thomas with a fake smile on my face, "you're not eighteen yet and neither is Mia, so how do you guys know that you're mates? Do you know?"

Mia looked suspicious. "I know why."

We all looked at her, wanting her to continue. "None of you have seen my wolf yet. Thats because I don't really like to show it off. Most people would but I don't. I'm the golden wolf." The three of us looked at her, taken aback.

Every werewolf alive knew the legend of the golden wolf. Once the current one died, another person took its place, chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. The golden wolf has many powers that are used to protect the supernatural world. They can shift not only into their wolf, but into any other supernatural creature, they have powers from all the other creatures from the supernatural world, and each one decides the fate of the werewolves at least in their time.

"The reason we found out we were mates is because the golden wolf doesn't have to wait until somebody turns eighteen. When they meet their other half, they'll know right away," she explained.

"That explains a lot," was all I could say. Being in the presence of the golden wolf was almost as honoring as being in the presence of the Moon Goddess herself.

"What about running away from you're other pack though?" I asked.

"The Moon Goddess told me that if I didn't find my mate soon, I wouldn't be able to save us from being exposed to the human world. She said to turn rogue and go find my mate. My old alpha abused me..." We all heard a growl from Thomas. "And I knew what she was telling me was right. So I packed up myself and snuck out with Trina at the dead of night," she explained.

"Why didn't you tell us right away when we found you?" I asked.

"I wanted to wait until I knew one hundred percent sure that I could trust you guys. Not to say you came off as suspicious or anything, but I've grown to know that looks can be deceiving," Mia said, looking nervous.

"Hey, don't be nervous or embarrassed. I completely understand why you did what you did," I smiled.

"But we need to start preparing. The Moon Goddess said the war is sooner then we expect it to be and to expect the unexpected.

Whatever that means.

I know this is short but it's a very important chapter to the story.


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