Chapter 23

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"Sawyer!" I called, sitting down on one of the chairs. I put my face in my hands and sighed softly. "You better be easier than your brother," I told my huge stomach. Kick.

"Yes, mommy?" Sawyer asked sweetly, bouncing into the kitchen. I looked up, and didn't have to ask the question to know the answer, but I did anyways.

"Did you eat the chocolate cake?"

"Yes mommy," he said happily.


"Because it looked really good and my tummy told me that it wanted to eat it, so I did," he explained, making the cutest little hand motions with fingers covered in chocolate.

"So your tummy told you it was okay to eat," I said slowly.

"Yes mommy," he said, a huge smile on his face.

"Okay," I sighed, not having the energy to punish him. The little five year old had too much energy for someone that was five months pregnant. "Let's get you cleaned up, then we'll go see a movie," I said, wanting to get out of the house.

"Okay. Daddy also said that we could eat the cake. He ate it with me," he said, bouncing over to the sink and stepping up on the stool. I heard a groan from the room down the hall.

A door opened and footsteps came into the kitchen. "Would you like to explain?" I asked, crossing my arms as I stood up.

"Well, it looked good, and Sawyer really wanted it," he defended.

I rolled my eyes. "Your going to go to the store and buying me another chocolate cake. Your daughter would like some," I said sternly, gesturing to my stomach.

"Whatever you two want," Xander said, putting a nervous smile on his face.

"Great, now would you like to go see a movie with us?" I invited as I helped Sawyer wash his hands.

"Can we go see Big Hero 6?" Sawyer asked as he stepped down from the stool, drying his hands.

"We just saw that last weekend," I said, grabbing a wet wash cloth to wash his face.

"I know, but it's a really good movie. Please mommy!" My heart still warmed every time he called me that.

"Okay, I get to pick the movie next time, then," I smiled, grabbing him and beginning to tickle him.

"Noooooooo! Daddy help me! The monster gots me!" He screamed, a huge smile etched across his face. I laughed at his incorrect grammar.

"I'm coming, little man," Xander laughed, coming over and lifting him out of my arms. "Come on, let's go before she gets us again!" He laughed, running out to the garage. I followed them and somehow got into the passenger seat easily.

Xander buckled Sawyer in and came around to the drivers seat and started the car, driving towards the move theater. "Guess what!" Sawyer spoke.

"What!" I said, turning as best as I could to face him.

"There's a new girl in my classroom," he said excitedly.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Bria. She's really shy though. She's also a werewolf, and Mrs. Carlson said she could sit next to me!" He said excitedly.

"Really! Did you introduce her to Nicole?" I asked, referring to Tessa's daughter. He nodded his head vigorously.

"Bria's really nice," he said.

"That's good," I smiled. We reached the movie theater and all got out.

"Can I get an icee?" Sawyer asked, pulling my hand towards the food after we got our tickets. Xander kissed my cheek and headed towards the restroom.

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