Wedding day

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The day has come. The day about which you don't know what opinion you had. You saw your mother walking down to aisle dressed beautifully in white with your uncle and people started praising her beauty. You tried smiling and succeeded. Your mother walking on the stage and you step father happily took her hand, both smiling.

"They look happy together. " A deep voice from beside you spoke.

"Tae! " You smiled. "Yes, they do look happy. "

He looked at you "are you happy? "

"I-i.. I dunno"

"I don't know either.. But, atleast dad and your mother are happy. "

You nodded smiling with Tae. After taking the vows.

"You might kiss the bride"

They leaned in for a kiss and finally did. After that you walked out the hall making your way towards the empty hallway.

"So.. You too didnt wanted this?"

You looked at the person who spoke, it was J hope.

"None of us agreed *sigh* plus, having someone replace my father isn't what I ever wanted. "

"Me too.."

You two looked the the fountain in the front until Jungkook called both of you in as your parents were calling.


She smiled. "Honey, are you ready for the speech? " You nodded.

"I was thinking of doing it in the reception."

"Oh, honey, we forgot to inform you, we're just doing one function. You'll give your speech after you dad completes. "

Your mother and Mr. Kim gave love speeches for each other, some people started crying out of how emotional it was. Now, it was your turn.

You got up the stage.

"Hello everyone.. I am the bride's daughter, y/n.." You looked at your mom. "I am so happy that everyone is her for this special day of my mother. She raised me alone, struggling to give me a perfect life, she did it all alone and never cared about herself. Now, finally, ther is someone who'll be caring for her and it's my dad. " You saw Mr. Kim smiling. After 2 minutes you ended your speech and excused yourself. You ran to the dressing room as no one would enter and started crying. You kept on crying until you felt someone hug you, the scent wasn't your mom's as you expected it to be her but the person had a rather masculine figure. You freaked out and started to push him.

"Shh... Y/n..its me Taehyung.. "

You calmed down.

"You can cry I won't mind"

You didn't cry but when Taehyung asked how you are and what's happening you burst out again. After a good 10 minutes he calmed you down and you slept in his embrace. He caressed you head and carried you to the car, he then approached his dad telling that you're sleepy and then he went to his house with you as you'll be staying there as well. He laid you down on his bed taking you shoes off and placing a blanket on you to keep you warm. Then he went down for watching T. V.

An hour passed and you woke up in an unfamiliar room, you looked around and sae Taehyung's picture in it. You got down the bed and started hearing people talk, men, mostly, you peeked and saw bangtan sitting and talking while Suga was hitting Jimin. You chuckled causing all the attention towards you now.


"Feeling fresh? " J hope asked and you nodded.

"Uh... How did I come here Tae? "

"You slept so I just carried you to my car and drove us home, the party was boring anyways. "

"Where's mom? "

"They both will come at night" Jin said "now, come I'll show you your room, go get changed."

"I'll be staying here? "

"Yea, your mother will be here and she won't be leaving you without her" Jimin said.

You nodded and followed jin, he left you in your room. Entering you saw the room decorated beautifully, you went inside your walk in closet getting surprised by how many clothes you have. You changed into some grey soft pajamas and went down.

"Y/n, come I'll show you around the house" Taehyung said and showed you the big house. You two entered the garden and you were astonished by the beauty.

"W-wow" He giggled at your reaction.

"Are you guys the prince of somewhere? "

"Lol, no, actually father likes big royal houses.. "


You made your way towards the white rose but got stopped by Taehyung.

"Let's go in" He pulled you in the living room.

"You don't have any friends do you?"
Namjoon asked and you replied with a simple 'no'

"Perfect, you ain't allowed to make friends, you'll be sitting with us at lunch and will go nowhere without informing us, got it? "

You nodded.

"Good. School is starting from next week"

"I know"

"Kids, time for dinner" Jin shouted from the kitchen.

"Mom and Mr. Kim won't come? "


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