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You woke up to the sound of your alarm. Doing your morning routine and slipping into your neat uniform and polished black shoes you hung your backpack onto your shoulders and walked down. You saw every one to your surprise. For some reason Jin was in a hurry, you guessed he got up late, you and hoseok volunteered to help Jin for preparing the breakfast. Soon enough your trio was done and Taehyung was keeping the plates on the table. Everyone ate their meal hurriedly and then just dropped them in the sink.

You entered your class and searched for Kai, he didn't come... Kai wasn't a person who misses school, but you guessed he had some important work. Jungkook soon came and you sat beside him shrugging the thought of Kai. At lunch time you searched for his friends, but no, they didn't come either. You shrugged thinking their group planned some trip and you went to Bangtan to have lunch. Sitting, you guys started talking like usual until you got a phone, you excused yourself and went to a corner.


"Hello? Who's this?"

"T-this is Yeonjun- K-kai's-"

"Yeonjun! Hi! Wassup? Everything okay?"

"Nothing is... Kai- kai- he- he got into- he- he-"

"C-calm down Yeonjun... Calm down... What's wrong? Tell me.." You would be lying if you said you were calm, your heart had been racing faster than ever, Kai's thoughts running in your mind.. What happened to him? What is the worse which could happen? He isn't dead... Right? Thinking that fact that he was dead tears started building in your eyes.

"S-speak Yeonjun... Tell me.. "

"He got into a contract and left the country... W-we don't know where he is... D-do you know Y/n.."

"No... I- i am just shocked... He didn't tell me.. "

And as you were about to say something else, he hung up. You wiping your eyes went towards your table, to your surprise, the boys didnt ask you any questions and you pretended that nothing happened. At night, you again got a call from Yeonjun which you didn't pick up because you were having dinner. As soon as you entered you room you locked the door and called Yeonjun, he picked up almost immediately.


"Y/n! You-! Do you know how much he love-"

".. Yeonjun... What's wrong?

" What's wrong- huh? What's wrong?! "

"I seriously don't know.."

"Kai.. He- he left because of you!"


"Your freaking family!"

"Why the hell are you involving them? Just tell me everything clearly!"

You heard him sigh. "He was forced to leave the country by your step brothers, he wanted to meet you so bad and end the relationship in a proper way! He didn't wanted to keep you hanging, he called you uncountable times last night... And even asked you to meet him-"

"He did tell me to meet him today, and honestly, at last I decided to go but i didn't see him in school nor anyone of you, so i thought the five of you went on a trip"

"Still defending yourself huh? Do you know that he's in danger?"


"F-forget it... Forget you talked to me... And Kai told you to forget him." With that being said, he ended the call.

You dropped your phone, you were frozen. You released a breathe you didn't know you were holding. Angrily, you went towards the living room where everyone was sitting and went towards the person who hated Kai the most. Yoongi . He hated Kai for no apparent reason, well, you thought. They didn't know about your relationship... But.. Why would Yeonjun lie?

Entering the living room in rage, you held Yoongi's collar while the members were in shock. Jin looked at you confused.

"Y/n? What happened?"

"What did you tell him?!"

"Whom?" He asked calmly, grabbing your small hands in his big ones slowly making sure your don't notice.

"Kai! Huining Kai! My freaking Boyfriend!"

He smiled softly. "I told him to leave you..." He made you lose your grip on his shirt, in anger, you were about to punch him but were held back by Jimin.

"Leave. Me."


Now, everyone was tensed. They could see Jimin getting angry, and you were already in rage. They knew they could do nothing. Your mother told them that you rarely get angry, but when you do you go out of control, the same applies for Park Jimin. The cutie, sexy, lovely guy.

The Jimin now, is different from his real bubbly self. The total opposite.

"Hyungs. Leave."

You looked at Jimin in the eye, and tho you were angry, you couldn't help hut feel scared under his gaze. He grip on your wrist tightened.

You gulped, but refused to break the eye contact.

"Jimin-ah! Leave her." Taehyung said which Jimin ignored. One thing everyone knew was when Jimin ignores Tae, it's the end.

"O-okay guys we could sort it out by talking calmly." The leader, Namjoon stuttered.

Jin pulled you to his room and locked the door.

"The hell you think you're doing?!"

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