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You were walking to school, you didn't have your breakfast as you would be late, nor did you ask the boys you drop you to school. After walking for half an hour, you were still running late as you were far from the school for half an hour and the school would start after 15 minutes. You started running but unfortunately bumped into someone and fell down.

"O-oh, i-im really sorry!"

You looked at the person revealing a handsome boy. He gave you a hand and helped you stand up.

"Sorry, I-i didn't see you-"

He smiled. "It's alright, by the way, I'm Huining Kai, what's your name?"

"Lee- Kim y/n."

"So.. We're in the same school?"

You looked at his uniform and smiled. "Y-yea.. "

"Lemme give you a drive, school will start in a few mins.."

Stupid idea for trusting a stanger but yea, you nodded and got in his car, reaching school, you found out that he's in the same class but a different section and you went to your class, starting your day. Jungkook bullied you there, poking his pencil lightly on the back of your neck during classes, at lunch, namjoon bullied you during lunch and you were going to the place you didn't want to, the library..

Entering you were welcomed Mr.Suk smirking, he told you what to do and you started doing you work, you were at the last shelf when he came and started kissing your ear lobe again, licking down to your lips, he licked yoir lips as you stood there doing nothing , just crying, you legs were under his feet, hands pinned to the wall by him and face having the pressure of his face. He kissed you, tasting every inch of your mouth.

You wanted to break free from his grip, you hated the feeling of it. He pulled himself away from you and you caught the chance and screamed as loud as you can till he again started kissing you, one hand rubbing the middle of your thighs, up and down, till someone pushed him. The boy started beating him until he went unconcious, then he came to you and calmed you down hugging you. After some minutes, you did calm down.

"Are you okay, now?"

You nodded slowly. "T-thanks.. "

"I'm Yeonjun, and you are?"


He smiled. "I'll drop you home?"

"I'll go yeonjun."

"You sure?"


"Okay, at least let me walk you down the school gate?"

You nodded, you and Yeonjun exchanged a few words, and phone numbers then bid good bye. No matter how bad, disgusted you felt, you never let anyone know. You bottle up your feelings for the longest time, this is one of the reasons you and mother and you were never close, but  you were close to your father, as he understood you.. When you were younger, your mother said that your father died, but you do not believe her, you still kept the promise your father told you to keep..

"Promise me to Take care of your mom my dear" He said with his little finger out for a pinky promise. You smiled and intertwined your small pinky with his. "Yes! I promise!" You smiled.

You reached home after a few more minutes and were greeted by worried Jin which tool you by surprise. He told you to sit and you did.

"from tomorrow, you'll be going with us to school, since, the school walk it too long and you must've gotten tired for walking so long." He said, not in a cold, but soft, gentle and caring tone. You just craved for love and warmth, which you had a sense you were getting from jin right now. Even though you wanted to give a cold, savage reply, you didn't.. Cuz after you all were a 'family'.. You nodded.

"You must be hungry, I'll keep you something in the dining room. Come and eat it."

"I'll get fresh first."


You left and took a shower, you came down wearing a white half sleeve jumpsuit with small black flowers on it. In the dining room, you saw a chocolate pastry and a strawberry milkshake., beside you saw a little note which read:

Dear Y/n,
I apologise for what I've done. I'll try not to do it again. I made you some sweets. Some more of them are in the fridge, if you want you could also have them😉. And I had to leave for some important work, bye, take care❤

You smiled reading the note, you loved the cute small drawings Jin made. You sat and ate until the memories in the school came haunting you. His touch, his kiss. You started crying again.
"What happened?"

You wiped your tears and looked at namjoon.

"Anything wrong?"

You shook your head as a 'no'


"Yea, it was just, I miss mom, when I was a kid, we used to bake cake together, and it tastes just like that."

Namjoon smiled and sat beside you.

"Well, we, me and boys, are sorry.. That's all I gotta say.. "

You nodded. "Its okay" You smiled.

Everyone deserves a second chance, why not them? After all, we'll be living happily.

You and namjoon talked about a few things. You came to know he likes to play with crabs by which you were surprised as you only like eating them. He also told you he likes small, cute things, which was typically, the opposite of his personality.

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