New School

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The drive to my new school was longer than the promised hour, probably because there is no real 'road'. In this civilization, it is more appropriate to use animals as a form of travel considering that the roads are just mud and dirt compacted by the hundreds of people walk on them every day.

This meant Dad had to dodge more and more people as he drove towards Goerge. Each time he swerved to miss a person or goat walking down the street, I'm crushed under the weight of my bags. The drive is silent, not one peep coming from any of us. I think we are all dredging the point where we need to part ways. For now, I'm just hoping that it isn't a goodbye forever.

But the true realization didn't hit me with its full force until Dad had stopped outside of what literally looks like a prison and turned around to smile at me.

"We're here little bug, jump out and I'll grab your bags."

I take another look at the 'school' and stare at it in disbelief. It is a prison. The fences are high metal mesh with spirals of barbed wire running along the top. High voltage signs are plastered across them and the block concrete buildings are a disgusting grey colour. The windows are fitted with black bars and the doors look heavier than my house, rust ate at all the metal surfaces. The grass surrounding the facility was dead and crunchy, the flower beds full of withered flowers and small plants. The place looked haunted and dead.

A short fatty man greeted us at the entry to the fence of horror. He had a large balding spot with the little hair he had left combed over, the sweat patches on his clothes smelt stale and the holes in his shoes showed his deteriorating socks.

"Welcome, you must be the Charles family, I'm Mr Teeto."

He steps towards me with his hand outstretched, "You must be Alyssa, welcome to your new home, my dear."

The stench coming off him made me want to gag. His hand was clammy and his grip was too tight. I already wanted to leave and never return.

"Follow me inside and I'll take you on a tour before showing your new dorm."

I reached out for my mum's hand before following the little sweaty man into the scary new building. When we entered it was all eyes on us. Boys and girls of all ages wandered the halls yet they all were staring, slowing down as they walked past to catch a good glimpse of the new girl.

The short dude turns around to face us, "As you can see we have many curious children here. I'm the principal of this establishment. Our students come in because of various reasons but they are all still eager to learn."

He looks directly at me with a yellow-toothed smile, "I'm sure you'll find many friends here Alyssa."

He turns back around and marches down the hallway. Compared to the exterior, the halls seemed almost identical to my previous school. The hallways were lined with rusted lockers and students, wooden doors lead into full classrooms with blackboards and rows of children. It was so much like a school that it honestly shocked me. The 'principal' stopped walking and turned into a classroom, beckoning us in.

"This is one of our amazing classrooms, the students learn all the same classes as human students aside from a select few alterations in subjects such as biology and Physical Education."

He turns to the class and clears his throat, "Hello students, please meet Alyssa. She'll be joining us and starting tomorrow. Please make her feel welcome."

The 15 kids in front of us clapped as we walked out making the embarrassment I was already feeling intensify. The sweaty man lead us further down the hall are turned the corner into the cafeteria. It was smaller than my last one and had fewer tables but the array of food looked more appetizing.

"The lunch ladies always have a large variety of meats available for the students that have been cooked in numerous ways for you to enjoy. Moving on!"

He scurred around the tables and pushed a set of doors open to another hallway. More doors lined the walls but next to each one was a set of names and a colour.

"These are our dorm rooms, each student is assigned at least one roommate, at most three, and they are assigned a colour. Your colour is linked to your class schedule to make it easier for the students. Your room is located upstairs, Alyssa."

He scurried up the stairwell and lead us to another hallway before stopping in front of another rusty looking door. Next to the door said Charles, Baker and Young with an orange mark next to it.

"You'll be staying with some truly lovely young ladies. I'm sure they will be very accommodating. But now is where we end the tour, You'll be shown our other facilities at a later date but I want to get you settled in to start school tomorrow."

He opens the door to the little dorm room. Three beds were pushed into separate corners of the room, two of the spaces were decorated with various photos and art pieces while one was completely blank, waiting for me. Two girls sat on the end of the bed facing the door, their eyes trained on the spot I stood. I give them a small wave to get big smiles in return.

"Now is the time for you to say goodbye to your parents Alyssa, you won't be seeing them until the next holidays." 

I turned to my parents and give them a big hug, my eyes watering at the thought of not waking up to them every day.

"I'm going to miss you guys."

My dad planted a kiss in my hair and mum sniffled into my shirt.

"We'll miss you more little bug. I'll holo you on Sundays, so make sure you answer."

I nod my head and pull apart from the hug and look at them, "I promise to try hard and do my best."

Mum chuckles and holds my face in her hands, "I'm so proud of you sweetheart. Enjoy your time here. I love you."

"I love you too mum."

"Stay safe little bug and let me know if anyone gives you shit. I love you."

I chuckle, of course, he would say something like that.

"I love you too dad. I'll holo on Sunday and tell you all about my week."

He gives me a bright smile and puts an arm around mum, "Good. I'm proud of you little bug."

The principal ushers them out of the room as they shout goodbyes and wave back at me with tears in their eyes. I go and sit on the vacant bed and let the tears fall. It's finally happened, I've been taken away from my family.

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