06 : HVVA9

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author's⠀"nice to meet you, seonghwa! my name is yunho!" yunho introduced himself to the robot

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"nice to meet you, seonghwa! my name is yunho!" yunho introduced himself to the robot.

"hii! i'm mingi!" mingi happily waved at seonghwa.

"hello, seonghwa. i'm hongjoong." hongjoong was a little bit shy because seonghwa was too pretty. he didn't expect to see someone to be as pretty as him.

"it was nice meeting you too, yunho, mingi and hongjoong!" there, he saved the name and the image of them into his system.

"this is our new project! look at him, isn't he's pretty?"

"he sure is pretty." hongjoong murmured.

"he's ethereal! but he sounds like a robot to me." mingi said.

"yes, indeed. that is why we called you here. we need someone to help us run a test on him. we can't do it by ourselves because this robot is too smart. we need him to be with a stranger, and we'll see how it's going. by a stranger, i mean someone trusted." jihoon finally used his mouth to speak.

"mhm, i don't think mingi is trusted enough to do this. he can't even make his own cereal." yunho said.

"i am offended but okay. i actually agree with you, i might broke seonghwa before he could even learn anything about life." that was unexpected coming from mingi.

"i can do it, if you think i'm trusted enough." hongjoong offered.

"are you sure? you're always stressing about your works, now you offered to help seonghwa?" yunho was in disbelief.

"yeah, i'm very sure. again, i'm not stressed. i'm just looking for inspiration."

"shouting at the papers of lyrics is not a phase for LoOkiNg fOr InSpiRAtioN." yes, hongjoong was a producer. we stan producer hongjoong in this household. if you don't agree with me, get out. i don't want you here. sorry, not sorry.

"hey! that is just how i communicate with them!" hongjoong yelled, not really.

"okay, that's enough!" jihoon had enough. he hated noises. mingi who was just standing there, also became afraid of him.

it was silence until jihoon decided to speak again, "hongjoong."

"yes?" hongjoong gulped.

"you sure that you want to help seonghwa run the test? is that your final decision?" what funnier was that jihoon stared into hongjoong's soul, making the man really wanted to run away from him.

"yes, i am sure. it's my final decision." hongjoong didn't know where the confidence came from.

"alright, give me your watch." hongjoong immediately gave it. after that, jihoon brought the watch with him along with seonghwa.

"hongjoong, please fill and sign on this form. it's a form as the evidence that you've agreed to help seonghwa run the test. you'll be doing this for a month." soonyoung gave him a form and a pen.

hongjoong took it and started to read it carefully. finally, he signed it and gave them back to soonyoung.

"thank you, hongjoong." soonyoung smiled at him as the thank you.

❝ chaos makes the muse. ❞

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