07 : instructions

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author's⠀"thank you for cooperating with us, kim hongjoong

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"thank you for cooperating with us, kim hongjoong. we send seonghwa to your place after we prepared all the things he needs while he's at yours later. before that, we want you to remember these things. seonghwa may looks like a real human, but he's still a robot. he could go near the water, but don't let him play with it for too long. he can eat like a normal human, but just rice and fried eggs. you need to let him charge himself at night, do not approach him while he's charging. if you still need him, press the night-mode icon on your watch. it'll activate the power saving so that his power doesn't ran out. that's all for now. do you understand?"

jihoon explained everything from a to the z, but what was the point of remembering all of that when you'll forgets it later. hongjoong was just an ordinary human being.

like being a typical student, hongjoong nodded as the sign that he understood whatever jihoon said to him. same energy with when your math teacher asking you if you understand the maths, but you just nod and smile even you don't even understand any shit.

jihoon sighed, "i knew you don't wouldn't understand what i said. why do i bother? here, take this instructions mini book about how to manage HVVA9."

hongjoong took the book, he could feel his head dizzy without even opening the book. he thought, is this the end of the world? am i gonna die soon? no. you're just lazy to read it. as lazy as the author, along with their emo buddy. if you know, you know.

"oh before i forgot, seonghwa is a clean person. he doesn't like messy place. if he saw something messy, he would nag at you while forcing you to clean it."

seonghwa, he was an unexpected thing that hongjoong ever met in his whole 23 years of living in this world. everyone needs a seonghwa in their life, but there's only ONE seonghwa in this life.

after they finally finished discussing about seonghwa, hongjoong excused himself and went back to where mingi and yunho were. while he was not with them, yunho brought mingi to an office tour.

soonyoung was checking on seonghwa's systems, scared that there would probably a virus attacking because seonghwa had been acting weirdly. luckily, it was just an error where seonghwa needed to restart the memory inside his systems when meeting new people, but he couldn't.

"so how's the discussion?" mingi asked.

"he talks like a math teacher. i couldn't understand a thing. gladly, he gave me this tiny book so that i don't have to write anything." hongjoong showed the book to the twin tower.

"please take a good care on seonghwa. don't be a bitch, treat him nicer than how you treat us. importantly, don't fall for him." yunho warned him.

well, what could he do? he already fall for seonghwa at the first sight. it was not his fault that seonghwa was really gorgeous in his eyes. he doesn't reply to yunho, but nodded instead.

"come on, let's go home. you need to pack your things, right?" mingi said. ah, hongjoong almost forgot that he was gonna move out to a new apartment. his apartment.

"oh yeah, i almost forgot about that. let's go now." the shorter pulled their hands to the parking lot.

hongjoong was driving, eyes focusing on the road. there was yeosang sitting beside him, yunho and mingi were at the back. mingi's head was on yunho's shoulder, sleeping not very beautifully. no hate to mingi but he was sleeping with his saliva flowed out of his wide open mouth, that just made yunho want to slam a book on his face.

"how was the meeting?" yeosang asked, breaking the silence.

hongjoong didn't answer because he was too focused driving the car so yunho answered his question, "he's gonna have someone living with him in his new apartment."

yeosang's eyes widened, "what? who's the unlucky person that want to live with him?"

"it's not just an unlucky person, yeo." yunho's words managed to make yeosang wonder.

hongjoong sighed, "it's a robot."

the male with beautiful birthmark choked on his own saliva, coughed upon hearing the older's answer. mingi woke up because of yeosang's cough earlier.

"you good?" mingi asked, giving a bottle of water. yeosang took the bottle of water and drank it.

"it's your lost that you didn't come with us. instead, you're having a cuddle session with your boyfriend. you missed so much cool things i saw there!" mingi babbled. the pretty boy rolled his eyes, didn't want to argue with the taller.

"what are you gonna do with the robot robot?" yeosang asked.

"his name HVVA9, or for you can call him seonghwa. i agreed to help him run a test, so he will be staying with me for a month. don't worry about what would i get for helping, we've made a great deal. it was supposed to be yunho's job but he refused." hongjoong replied.

"understandable. so yunho," yeasang turned his head to the said male signaling him to explain.

"huh? what? why are you looking at me like that?" he was confused by the sudden attack.

"by the looks he gave to you, he mean please explain why you refused to do it if I'm not wrong, you said that you didn't want to do it because of post incident and for OUR safety." for the first time in yunho's life, mingi finally talk about something that make sense.

"you all really want to know?" the three of them nodded.

yunho took a deep breath, and started to tell the story.

❝ go where you feel the most alive. ❞

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