Chapter 13: Do You Like Me Back?

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*previous chapter*

The guard walked to us. "Goodbye, Sae-byeok" he patted my shoulder and gave me a thumbs up. I could see in his eyes that he was holding back his tears. I turned around.

*gunshot* "Player 076, eliminated"

I flinched from the sound and sobbed even more when I heard his number.

I then remembered y/n. I didn't hear hers or Ji-yeong's number yet... Or maybe I did... I don't know...

I went back inside the colorful hallway with the guard, still sobbing and he brought me back to the main room...


*present chapter*

Y/n's POV;

I entered the room and saw that a few of the players were already back. Sobbing, I made my way to my bed.

I can't believe this. Why? Why her? It could've been me...

I went to the other door and asked the guard if I could go to the bathroom.

After calming myself down, I stood in front of the mirror and washed my face on the sink. A minute later someone else entered the bathroom.

I looked at who it was and I sighed in relief.

Thank God she's okay...

Sae-byeok entered the bathroom, crying. I moved to the side, making place for her to go to the sink too.

She looked up at me then back down. Then back at me again with wide eyes.

I know she's still mad at me and I know I promised Ji I'd fix everything. But I don't think-

I was making my way to the door then I felt her wrap her arms around me. "You're okay..." she whispered.

I was confused at first. "I thought..." she took a deep breath. "I thought you were gone..." she said and cried even more, pulling me closer.

"What do you mean?" I asked and slowly hugged her back. "I don't know... I entered the room and I didn't see you anywhere and I thought maybe you-" she sobbed on my shoulder and hugged me tighter.

"Well, I'm here now..." I chuckled lightly and she did too as she pulled away from the hug and looked at me in the eyes. "I'm sorry..." she said.

I frowned and put my hand on her cheek, wiping her tears. "Sorry for what?". "For everything. For leaving you, for everything I did. I didn't mean to betray you like that... I just..." she sighed and looked down, closing her eyes.

I hugged her again. "Hey, hey, we'll talk about this later okay?" I said as I look at her and she nodded. "Let's go back inside first".

She washed her face on the sink and I took a few pieces of the toilet paper in one of the stalls, giving it to her.

After that, we both went back in the main room with guard.

Everyone sat in silence eating the food the guards gave them. Sae-byeok and I went to the guards and they gave us our potato.

Are you serious?

She took my hand and went to my bed. We sat and ate. I looked over to Gi-hun who is sitting a few beds away from me.

Then Sang-woo spoke to him. "Don't worry about it. He was an old man you only knew for a few days".

This man doesn't have a heart. I hope he dies next round. I know you for 'only a few days' anyways.

Eɴᴇᴍɪᴇs ᴛᴏ Lᴏᴠᴇʀs (Sae-Byeok X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now