7-{Do You Like Me?🤫}

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Third Person's Pov

Shubman was sleeping peacefully the next morning when he opened his eyes slowly turning around over the bed lazily and the next moment sat up straight in shock as he shouted, "Ahh what the hell?"

"Oh god....why are you shouting. Let me sleep you idiot!" Arshita murmured while covering her ears with a pillow as she was sleeping on his bed just beside him and Shubman widened his eyes while looking at her as he tried to recall about how they both ended up here in his room.

"Arshu....Get up, I want to ask you something! Arshu, please! ARSHU" Shubman almost shouted near her ear and Arshita groaned in annoyance as she smashed the pillow in his face saying, "SHUT UP! LET ME SLEEP!"

"Acha just ask one quick question!" Shubman said slightly shaking her shoulder while trying to remove the duvet that was hiding her face as he added, "Why...are you...sleeping in my...room? Did you stayed all night......did something happened last night?"

"That wasn't just one damn question! You won't stop bugging me until you know what happened. Why do you drink if you can't remember anything, you moron!" Arshita said as she finally threw away her duvet and sat up straight on the bed while giving out a deadly glare to Shubman who just gave out a silly look while running a hand through his messy hair.

"Now tell me, I just remember until we were sitting on the bench and drinking beers, but I don't remember a damn thing we both talked about. I didn't say anything rubbish right?" Shubman asked getting tensed up as he thought that he might have spilled out his feelings in front of Arshita as he had so much on his mind about it yesterday.

"How can you be so stupid Shub. Everytime you drink, you ask me to narrate the whole story the next day! And also why were you being such a lonely, heart broken ass yesterday? Do you love -" Arshita was saying when Shubman's eyes widened once again as soon as he heard the word 'love'

"Did you just say LOVE?" Shubman asked suddenly startling her and Arshita gave him a look saying, "Yes I did! But why are you being so sensitive about it? I can understand that people get sensitive when they are in love but I didn't knew that you could be such a romanticist, I always thought of you to be someone just flamboyant and not so serious for relationship type person!"

Shubman kept staring at her face because he had understood by now that he had definitely told Arshita about his feelings but the thing he couldn't understand was that why was she being so normal about it?

"What....are you...talking....about?" Shubman asked her stuttering because he couldn't frame out the situation in front of his eyes, it was all so confusing, when Arshita spoke up again, "It's okay. You don't need to feel uncomfortable with me about it Shub, I know how you feel, loving someone isn't a bad thing! It's not your fault that you love -"

"That I love you?" Shubman asked making her stop as Arshita looked at his face with a blank look, as she blinked her eyes and then asked, "What? That you love the girl you didn't told the name of right?"

"Huhh?" Shubman asked getting confused as he realized that she didn't understood his reference and sighed in relief as he got that he hadn't told her any name for the person he was in love with.

"What? Why are you.....acting as if I'm pointing a gun at you?" Arshita asked him breaking his trance and Shubman just shooked his head giving her a look as he slightly shoved her shoulder saying, "You almost did! Why can't you talk without going around in circles?"

"Maybe because you ruined my sleep! Btw are you gonna tell me her name now?" Arshita asked smiling cheekily as she came closer and Shubman pushed her back putting a finger on forehead as he said, "Nope! You also didn't told me his name! One for one"

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