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Thea sat in her cabin at the back of the deadheads that her brother and the builders had made her when she arrived there

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Thea sat in her cabin at the back of the deadheads that her brother and the builders had made her when she arrived there. Some boys argued that she shouldn't get her own cabin and that Thea should just sleep outside with them, they were one of the main reasons Alby and her boyfriend Newt decided to have it built.

Newt and Thea had been dating for around a year and a half now. Thea arrived two years ago and as soon as he helped her out the box he knew he wanted to call her his. Someone else also decided they knew something as soon as Newt pulled her out the box. Gally had realised that she was his sister much to Newts dismay she also knew that he was her brother and when Gally got the word that the two were dating and had been for a while he flipped his lid he ran up to Newt pushed him into a wall and it wasn't pretty from there on.

Thea grimaced at the memory of her boyfriend being beaten by her brother. A noise rang threw all the glade the box alarm, seeing Newt making his way to the box as Thea left the wooded area she smiled and ran over, noticing her Newt smiled and stopped walking so she could catch up
"Morning love" Newt smirked whilst laying his arm around his girlfriends shoulders
"good morning Newtie pie" Thea said with a laugh
"Yes I know it's hilarious when you call me that, anyway you hopeful for a girl?"
Thea's face altered "I don't know really I mean I want a girl to talk to about girl stuff, but on the other hand I don't want anyone taking my boyfriend away now do I"
"Oh no love we can't have that now can we" Thea nudged him in his side smiling at him once more before arriving at the box. Newts arm  made its departure from Theas shoulders as he walked toward the lid of the box, whilst Thea made her way to Gally. She trusted most of the boys here but when they were all stood in one big clump she wasn't so sure whilst they were practically touching her.

"Nice sleep Thea" Gally said moving her in front of him whilst glaring at the boys who were looking at her from behind. "Yep" Thea stated whilst popping the p at the end. The lid lifted up and they all saw what they always saw a scared male greenie.
Everyone walked away whilst some took the boxes from the inside and Alby took the greenie on the tour. Thea was stood with Newt, Gally and Minho at the gardens "so Thea you and Newt doing anything recently" Minho said willing his eyebrows earring a shove and a glare from Gally "and what would anything be?" Thea answered smartly "oh ya know maybe something that goes like you two walk to Thea's cabin and the Newt starts to-'' Minho was cut off by Gally shoving his hand over his mouth whilst everyone began laughing. This was a common thing where Minho would make inappropriate comments about the couple just to annoy Gally, it never failed.

Back with Alby he had a very confused and stressed greenie on his hands, one that was asking way to many questions. He was looking around the glade taking everything in when he noticed Thea Alby immediately noticed when confusion took over his face "there's a girl here?" "Yes greenie there's a girl and I'm going to let you know one thing" Alby face became deadly serious the greenie nodded "if you lay one hand on that girl it won't end pretty for you" the greenie became increasingly scared "you see the blond one with his arms around her waist" he nodded "that's Newt her boyfriend, he's also second in command meaning he has a very large say in what happens to people here so he'll beat you up then he'll use his second in command card and have you banished, got me?" The poor greenie was scared to death but Alby did this to all the greenies make em sacred they won't even look at her. Alby just didn't want another 'incident' "the boy stood opposite her that Gally her brother so if Newt doesn't hurt you enough he will and nine times out of ten Gally will have the first hit and he doesn't let people get used to it" the greenie looked like he was about to pass out. Pale as a ghost he was. "And the last boy Minho he's not related to her or anything like that but he's just as protective as those other two boys he won't let you off the hook either got that?" "Y-yes" the greenie stuttered out.

The four had noticed Alby and the newbie was looking at them and knew he was scaring him to death by the look on his face so they went to go meet the boy approaching them the boy had noticed them and took as step back as they got there "scaring the greenie Alby" Thea turned to face him "don't worry there really just big teddy bears" "well don't tell him that now he's not scared of us anymore" Minho wined "well when you wine like a baby he's not" Newt laughed out "why does everyone keep calling me greenie" "good question greenie I have one for you, do you know your name" Gally asked, now that he had thought about it, he didn't his face must have gave away his slowly creeping panic "don't worry it's normal so until you can remember your name your greenie but them your really greenie until the next one comes up but hi I'm Thea" Thea held her hand hand out the greenie shook it "Newt, her boyfriend" "Gally, her brother" "Minho , her best friend" they said said looking at him intensely "will you lot stop scaring him he looks harmless. The three took a look at him then to each other then back at him and smiled, he left out a sigh of relief "well Bette get ready for the bonfire tonight you boys coming" "yep" three voices answered "wait what bonfire" "good luck Alby your going to need shuckface sounds like he never stops asking questions" Minho said as they walked off "shuckface?" The four just walked off laughing even more whilst Alby just put his head in his hands
"It's going to be a long night"

The bonfire had been lit and people were having fun Gally and fought the new greenie walking his head of the floor in the process remembering his name so they all welcomed Thomas to the glade
Alby was right about it being a long night
but not the one Alby or anyone was expecting only one person knew what was going to happen and that person was stood behind a tree watching no one other than Thea.
"It's time" he said with a smirk facing his friends.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞~NewtWhere stories live. Discover now