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Everyone was sat around the bonfire with one of Gally's 'special drink' when Thea stood up "I'm going to go to the loo" newt got up with her "you know one of you doesn't have to follow me everywhere right?" "Safety first" nodded Gally

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Everyone was sat around the bonfire with one of Gally's 'special drink' when Thea stood up "I'm going to go to the loo" newt got up with her "you know one of you doesn't have to follow me everywhere right?" "Safety first" nodded Gally. The pair started walking to the bathrooms Thea went inside and Newt stood outside the door.

A very annoyed glader stood from his spot behind the tree "why must someone follow her everywhere, I guess plan b it is" the two that were stood with him walked out and made there way to the bonfire passing the log that held Newt and Theas drinks. The gladers that were there were to busy to notice what they were doing.

As Thea waled out the door Newt put his hand in hers with a smile "I love you" newt said loving looking at her with total and complete admiration "I know" Thea said Turing her head and looking forward, Newts face turned to a playful frown "hey" "just kidding I love you too" walking back with random chatter in between the two sat back down "enjoy your time alone" Minho said suggestively whilst wiggling his eyebrows Gally just looked at him Thea decided to play along "yes we did actually" Gally head shot around so fast it almost gave him whip lash as soon as it did the three burst out laughing "you should have seen your face" "yes Thea it was very funny how you almost got me to kill your boyfriend" random chatter had taken place of Minho's rude comments Thea took a sip of her drink making a disgusting face when she tasted it Minho noticed "Thea I know Gallys drink isn't the nicest but no need to make that face" everyone just looked at her "no no I it's not it's not that I just" everyone's face turned to worry Thea got up stumbling and nearly falling over but was caught by Minho "whoa there Sweetheart" "Thea I think you should sit down" Alby noticed there was a big clump of people stood around and decided to go look pushing his way to the middle he saw Thea looking completely out of it "Thea,Thea what's wrong" Alby said with a look of worry in his face "I just I don't I" Thea stuttered out whilst looking  around  her eyes dropping every now and then.

Alby told Chuck to go get the medjacks who unfortunately hadn't attended the bonfire due to a bad accident that had happened late at night that they had to clean up. About one minute later Thea felt her eyes grown heavy still being held by Minho her legs gave way "Thea" Gally shouted Minho lowered her to the ground. Alby got down on the ground with Newt, Gally and Minho "where are the medjacks" "we're here what's wrong" "she passed out" Jeff got down and went to examine her upper half whilst Clint went and put her legs on his lap. Everyone watched nervously as Jeff examined her "we need to take her to the med hut I think I know what's wrong but I need tools to check" "well what's wrong" Gally shouted "I can't say for sure yet so I'm not going to someone pick her up me and Clint will run there and set her a bed up" Newt picked Thea up bridal style with Gally on his left and Minho on his right as the three rushed to hut Alby gathered all the gladers around into a circle with him in the middle "alright I have no clue what's wrong with Thea but if I found out that any of you have anything to do with what's gone on tonight you will be sorry" Alby pushed his way out the circle and ran to the hut with chuck trailing behind they both reached the door and walked in as Newt lay Thea on the bed by now she was fully passed out and pale as ever Gally was pacing up and down and Minho was sat in the corner with his head down as tears formed in his eyes newt just held her hand that showed no sign of holding his back "Do you know what happened to her" Alby tone made it evident that he was mad as Clint looked in Theas throat then turned to Jeff and nodded to which Jeff replied by taking a sharp intake of breath "well what's wrong" "gally no Ned to be aggressive with them" came Minho's shaking voice as he stood up land walked over "she was drugged" Clint explained "how on earth did that happen we have none of that stuff" "someone made a pill by compacting the hernest flower and the power of a walstchang plant and a bit of water when the two are combined they make the victim weak then pass out and if they wake up they still won't be able to think straight or shove someone properly in other words they'll be just straight up out of it" "Jeff when you say shove someone" newt was cut off buy Clint "he means if someone wanted to hurt the victim most the time in a sexual way" that was it for gally "I swear to god Alby if you don't do something in the next two seconds I'm going to go and beat up every single boy out there" but as gally made his way to door a small voice stoped him "is Thea going to be okay?" Gally turned around to be faced with a Chuck who looked like he was about to burst into tears. Gally knew that Thea wouldn't want Chuck to be sad so even though gally didn't know himself he had to give Chuck an answer "ye she will be don't worry buddy she be back to good in no time" "okay if you say so" "Gally I'll take him outside and rally everyone up no one is going anywhere tonight you three stay in here" "why I want to beat them up" "that's why when we find out who did it you can but until then Thea could wake up at any point so you need to be here" Alby opened the door and Chuck followed him out. The five stood at Theas side Newt spoke quietly "we need to stop this now I can't have another 'incident' especially not with the aftermath of the last one just wake up love that's all you need to do' It went silent except  for the sound of the odd sniffle and albys distant shouting. They were all getting Deja vu and it wasn't good.

Hii sorry it's been so long I haven't and any time to update with going back to school but I hope you enjoyed and I'll try to get the next part out as soon as possible bye

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