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A:N/ I actually wrote this a while ago but my phone and all other devices were taken up for a short while again. Anyway here is what you've been waiting for, hopefully.


At first the kiss was sweet. It embarrassed me that I was hard in seconds ,but the thing poking me in the thigh told me that Spencer was too. I sat back gasping for air, my head was spinning and I didn't know what to do. I felt so confused. Even though I wasn't the one who initiated the kiss I still felt responsible.
Spencer looked down at me with eyes filled with lust. I bit my lip looking away. I couldn't stand the way he was looking at me, it made me feel more vulnerable that I usually was.
Sometime while I was having my inner monologue Spencer bent down again for another kiss. I honestly didn't know what to do. But Spencer seemed to like my inexperience and led my arms to the back of his neck. When I tightened them around his neck he told me to wrap my legs around him.
Having no reason to disagree I followed his request with a nod. When I did Spence let out an animalistic growl and picked me up off of the ground. It baffled me how strong he was, but I guess when your on the football team this is what happens.
He pushed me against the nearest pillar and started to ravage my mouth without caring if I was keeping up or not. His hardened length was rubbing against my upper thigh and I honestly had no problem with it.
Then the thought of what happened just hours prior hit me like a semi and I began to whimper quietly. Spencer heard this immediately, despite my attempts at trying to quiet them.

"What's wrong?" He asked genuine concern in his eyes

I shook my head tears still pooling in the corner of my eyes. . He already knew what had happened yesterday and I loathed to say it out loud.

Spencer seeming to have read my mind gently put me down. I could practically see the millions of questions running rampant through his mind.

"Make sure you come over today." Was the only thing could say to me at that time because the bell rang soon after.

"Okay." And I could tell that I was wearing the biggest grin that I had in ages.

The day dragged on and on. Even though classes were usually easy for me I was having trouble concentrating on any thing. I was thanking whatever celestial being up in the sky that none of my teachers called on me. Because with the whirlpool of thought rampaging through my head I was sure I wouldn't be able to answer.

Finally the last bell rang and school was over. Running jovially through the halls I forgot all about the 'no running through the halls' rule, but was quickly reminded when I ran into a very solid chest.

My heart began to beat out of my chest. Whoever I had run into was very muscular and I was sure to get a beat down.

"Woah there. What's the rush?" Said a deep voice that I definatlely knew.

"I'm s-sorry," I began still looking down. "I w-wasnt w-watching where I was going." I honestly wanted to cry. My day had been so good up until now.

"Well you know what that means." And I finally had enough courage to look at his face. And there he was smiling down at me like I was prey and he was the predator.

Mr. Johansson smiled a great big smile despite the bandage on his jaw and steered me in the direction of his class room. I texted Spencer

Sorry I might not be able to make it today. I have detention with Mr.Johanson.

And hoped he'd come to my rescue. Because if he didn't I was in for something that I wanted no part in.

For those of you still reading stay strong. I will try to post more often but I just started High School and let me tell you its no High school musical. I'd like to make a shout out to MehButler for inspiring me to write again so thanks everyone and ~~Ciao for now ~~

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