Getting to know you (Not really)

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A:N/ okay this chapter will hopefully be better than the last one (longer too). Okay so I hope you enjoy my whatever this is.
Getting up was proving to be a difficult task. The thought of what awaited me at home was almost enough to make me stay put. Notice I said almost. The reason being is because I from experience knew what happened when I don't come home at night. I'm not going to say all of the details, but it usually ends with a week off from school.

Not that it would be a bad thing at this point. Part of my brain was wondering why he didn't just heave or worse join, no matter how disgusting it would have been. I shuddered at the thought if Spencer leaving me alone with him.

What made him react like that? Part of me wished that it was because he cared for me as an individual. I quickly shook away that thought entirely. If he had cared for you he wouldn't have punched you in the gut, the more rational part if me argued, but seriously what about me is rational?

Sighing and finally getting off of my comfy spot on the floor I trudged my way to the public bus stop ,seeing as I had missed the school ones entirely. Showing the man my bus card I took a seat in one of the many available.

Lost in my own self pity I didn't notice someone was talking to me until he poked my shoulder. "...sitting here?" I heard the last of his question but had no idea what he was asking. "What?" I asked looking up at the slightly older boy looming over me. He smiled briefly before repeating his question. "I asked if anyone was sitting here?" he asked. Recognition washed over my features, "O-oh n-nno one is sitting here!" I said a little to loudly therefore stumbling over my words.

The boy thinking nothing if it sat uncomfortably close to me. "My name is Nathan." he said holding his hand out to me. Instead of shaking it though I looked slightly down at my feet. "M-my names Tony." I said blushing. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Why was I blushing because someone told me their name? Am I that out of it? These questions were running through my head no doubt showing on my face.

Nathan said nothing but continued to look at me with such intensity that I felt overcrowded in the empty bus. At long last my stop had came and I don't think I've ever been happier to be home in my life. Standing up I barely had time to walk two steps before his hand caught my arm. "Wait!" he said screaming. "Can I have your phone number?" He said without hesitating.

If I hadn't been blushing before I'm sure I was now. I could feel the heat in my ears and neck growing with every second that passed. "U-umm u-hh." I was at a lost for words. Nathan clearly was not. "It's just that your so cute and small and about a million other things, so can I please have your number?" The last part was rushed but I could still hear it clearly. "I-I okay" I said finally. There wasn't much else to do than to agree.

He nodded eagerly pulling out his cell phone and quickly handed it to me. The screen was somewhat scratched, but other than that it was perfect. Putting in the 10 digits that would one day change my life, I parted with a wave from Nathan and some grumbling about 'kids these days' from the bus driver I made my way up the driveway and into my own personal hell.
The stench of alcohol was almost overwhelming as I walked through the front door. What looked to be broken beer bottles crowded the front door. Soft snores could be heard over the dull hum of the television. Walking carefully as to not wake the man sadly known as my father, I climbed the stairs careful to avoid the first and 7th step, for they were known to creak.

Walking into my headroom and mentally groaning at the noticeable lack of a door I peeled off my clothes and got ready to take a shower. I never got to take that shower sadly. Having my back to the (not) door left me vulnerable. And the television completely masked the sound of all things.

This is why I didn't notice my father fir the second time come into my room. "Hey faggot!" his words slurred out at me. Having no previous recognition of him being there and turned to face him my (slightly) scarred torso in front of him. "Yes?" I asked thankful for the fact that my tone didn't waver.

"Why the fuck are you late?" he asked his words to loud because of the massive amount of alcohol he drank. "There was a school project, I called and told you about it." I said my voice barely above a whisper. "That's a loud if bull shit. I didn't get any call from you, stop lying and tell me where you've been!"

My eyes were wider now than usual. How was I supposed to explain about the detention without lying to him? "I-it's the truth." I said raising my voice slightly. "Don't you yell at me you faggot! Now tell me the truth!" he was full in screaming now. "I'm not a faggot." I mumbled telling another lie just for the hell of it. "WHAT HE FUCK DID YOU SAY!" In all the years he had abused me for I had never talked back so saying he was enraged would be an understatement. " My voice once again a low whisper resorted my last statement.

I guess this was it for him because in the one second I looked into his eyes I saw pure unaltered fury. Grabbing me by my shoulders he slammed me onto the bed. Getting on top of me I was afraid of what he might do. I had no idea of what was to come. Seeing him unbuckle his pants I was provided with an answer.

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