The Project of Hell

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A:N/ I think my story I going to get to predictable to fast so let's add some new love interest to the mix. Maybe mom'll come back lol who knows not you and especially not ME. I also feel as if my writing is being really sloppy and I am not pleasing me in the slightest. So if you want something more or im sounding like all the other idiots on wattpad (no offense to the good ones like I_likeyourbubble) ( Did I just give a shout out you bet your ass I did) PLEASE let me know. Wow than was a long Author's Note.

I was dreading school tomorrow. Ms.Fingernails had given out the deadline for the project the next day and Spencer was still not in class. Apparently he was still on suspension. Now it was Sunday and I was truly scared for my safety. It wasn't like I haven't gotten beaten up before, but I could tell this time was going to be different.

 The project was on your partner. We were going to have to "get to know each other" so to speak. Which ultimately means I will have to make up about everything concerning Spencer and lie about myself. I really hate lying, but there's no other choice. I can't just tell the entirety of my class that my father abuses me at home. I refuse to be the talk of the town for weeks on end. Not to mention what my das would do if I did.

Pacing my room, lost in thought, I failed to notice the front door slam close. As well as  the pounding of foot steps on the staircase. I did however notice when my door was rather forcefully kicked hallfway off its hinges. My father stood tgere heaving. At 6'3 and some odd 200 pounds it was quite a fearful sight. I did not inherit my father's fearful stature and instead looked a lot like my mother. I sighed quietly cursing my genetics. My sigh though was heard and apparently not quiet enough. My eyes widened in fear.  He heard me, fuck. " What was that faggot?" He snapped while  snarling. " N-nothing." I stammered cursing myself, again, for stuttering. He walked into the room and instantly I knew it was serious. He never stepped foot into my room unless he had has a really bad day. I backed up to the desk. Which in retrospect was a really dumb move. He took another step inside and I had nowhere to go anymore. 'Dammit, I have school tomorrow' was my first thought as his fist swung and I knew I would have bruises in the morning.


I woke up on the floor which wasn't a surprise since that is where I passed out at around midnight. Sitting up wincing I noted the time. 3:47am. I wouldn't be getting any more sleep today. Getting in the shower was hell, but amazingly I made it in. Letting the water get warm I sat and thought about my little situation. It wasn't exactly little, but a situation nonetheless. There were no bruises on my face, but my stomach felt as if I ate glass for breakfast. If Spencer decided to beat me up today I'm sure I would have some internal bleeding. Tearing up at the thought I dragged my bruised body into the shower, washing off all the blood.
     It was the same routine everyday. Shower, get dressed, make breakfast, and get the hell out of there all before my father got up. It was a routine that I has perfected over the years.

I took an extra long shower since I wouldn't waste time eating breakfast. The hot shower really did help the my aching body though not by much. Dressing quickly I prepared myself for another vicious cycle.


The walk to the bus stop was painfully slow. I kept having to stop to catch my breath or practically double over in pain. Each step brought tears to my eyes. When I finally made it there the bus had begun driving off, only stopping when it saw me. Since I always came early I usually got to pick my seat in the front. This time however I was distressingly late and had no other choice, but to sit in the back. Walking down the aisle I could feel peoples' stares practically boring holes into my back.

 Ignoring them I walked to the back only to see Spencer. Fate truly is a bitch. There was only one seat left and that was next to him. I wanted to break down and cry at my misfortune. I must have taken too long wallowing  because the bus driver had to tell me twice to take my seat. With all the reluctance in my body I sat gingerly and almost fell as the bus lurched forward.

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